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How we're helping siloed, global teams with disjointed operations gain full visibility of service health

For IT Ops people working in organizations with a truly global presence – say managed service providers, banking, finance, aviation and utilities, coherently maintaining full visibility of service health and identifying service-affecting issues can be a big headache. As a global enterprise expands and grows its operations, be it through acquisition, or during the onboarding of new customers, there’s a tendency for multiple incident management and monitoring tools to accumulate.

Logging for Monoliths vs. Logging for Microservices

At first glance, microservices logging may seem simple. You just take the same principles you’ve always followed for monoliths and apply them to each microservice in your application, right? Well, no. The differences between microservices and monolithic architecture amount to much more than a difference in the number of services involved.

Integrate your IDS + monitoring with the Sensu Tripwire asset

Tripwire, created by our friend Gene Kim, is a popular intrusion detection system (IDS) with both commercial and open source offerings. As a fun side project, I put together a Tripwire asset for Sensu. While this is more a prototype than anything else, I wanted to take this opportunity to offer some background on IDS, Tripwire, and integrating intrusion detection into your monitoring workflow, with the overall aim of illustrating how easy it is to deploy solutions with Sensu.

Webinar Highlights: Modern vSphere Monitoring and Dashboards Using InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana

Recently InfluxAce Jorge de la Cruz presented on “Modern vSphere Monitoring and Dashboards Using InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana”. Jorge is a Systems Engineer at Veeam Software and has been using InfluxDB for years. In case you missed attending the live session, we have shared the recording and the slides for everyone to review and watch at your leisure.

What Is an Alerting System? Features, Principles and Best Practices

Alerting systems centralize all IT alerts into one intuitive platform. IT alerting systems integrate with your tooling stack, and provide alert controls that help teams increase efficiency and reduce false positives. The main functions of an IT alerting system include activating incident response, automating alerts, providing intuitive reports, and enabling quick communication between roles. To enable these functions, alerting systems should be designed with quality in mind, rather than quantity.

Are your cloud costs soaring along with usage? How to cut costs and optimize your cloud performance.

The blessing and curse of cloud computing is flexibility. Now more than ever, companies leveraging the cloud are being revered for their ability to scale up usage of critical applications remotely for employees working from home, while in the same breath lambasted as IT costs sky-rocket. And in the midst of soaring usage, capacity, and cost come budget-cuts to fend off any other necessary evils during this challenging time.

Website Monitoring Tools market in 2020 (infographic)

How many website monitoring service providers are there, worldwide? Where are they from? What features do they offer? How much do they charge? You can learn the answers to these questions and much more from our infographic below. In May 2020, we conducted research analysing and comparing website monitoring offers from all over the world. Here is a graphical presentation of what we found out.

The Great Firewall of China: Obstacles to Monitoring Performance

The entire country of China’s internet connectivity is shielded by the Great Firewall (GFW). There are three state-owned ISP providers, China Unicom, China Telecom, and China Mobile, that control internet in China. Essentially, all traffic between China and the rest of the world goes through a few national level and a handful of core level access points in different regions.

Become an InfluxDB Inventor

As InfluxDB continues to grow and improve, more and more developers are using it as the platform of choice for their own solutions. Most of these solutions range from filling niche internal needs to solving common problems faced by entire industries, but some of them are extraordinary for their impact, innovation, or how much they push the boundaries of what is possible with the technology. In order to recognize those, we are launching the InfluxDB Inventors program.