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Adopting a return to workplace strategy

ServiceNow Safe Workplace apps make returning to the workplace work for everyone As we continue to navigate the complexities of COVID-19, top of mind for enterprise leaders is how to safely re-open and return employees to the workplace. Getting here has been no small feat, and returning to our workplaces will not be, either.

Maximizing Your Splunk Investment: Introducing Splunk Lantern

Congratulations, you just bought Splunk! You made a great decision, and now it's time to start solving all those business problems on your plate. Maybe you are trying to reduce the time spent managing cyber risks from hours to minutes. Or you might be executing a digital transformation of your customer experience. Or perhaps you are trying to save $70 million dollars in an IT consolidation project. But you have just one question: how?

A Deep Dive into SignalFx Microservices APM Alerts

The promise of NoSample™ full-fidelity distributed tracing with unlimited cardinality exploration is that no application performance degradation will be sampled away. This ensures that executions, which exemplify problems related to latency and/or errors will be retained for further inspection and analysis. Additional value can be extracted from trace data by determining when such investigations should occur, in other words, by identifying spikes and anomalies in endpoint latency or error rate.

Announcing our new integration with GoToMeeting

Communication during incidents is critical. With the rise of remote work, war rooms are no longer the central hub for all incident communication. Instead, we’re adapting to these new challenges and embracing video conferencing and messaging software in order to stay in tight lock-step with our teammates and collaborators. With this in mind, we are excited to announce that Blameless is adding a new way for you to communicate even faster and more effectively.

Linux Logging Tutorial: What Are Linux Logs, How to View, Search and Centralize Them

TL;DR note: if you want the bzip2 -9 version of this post, scroll down to the very last section for some quick pointers. If you want to learn a bit about Linux system logs, please continue, as we’ll talk about all these and more.

Monitoring AWS Services For Business Continuity

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides tools that help with application management, machine learning, end-user computing, and much more. Users that utilize AWS, more than likely, have a combination of the many services AWS offers. LogicMonitor consolidates data from these services and empowers users to monitor them side by side with the rest of their infrastructure, whether it’s in the Cloud or on-premises. Keep reading for tips on monitoring some of these services to ensure business continuity.

Get a jump on errors with Sentry and Atlassian

Recently, Atlassian announced 12 new features to help improve collaboration across software teams. These new capabilities and some help from Sentry & friends aim to help developers spend more time building the products and services their customers want. Here’s a more detailed look at how Sentry integrates with Atlassian products and leverages Bitbucket’s new Code Insights feature.

Azure Dashboards: SquaredUp vs. Azure Portal (Part 3 - Cost Management)

Previously on this Azure dashboards series, we covered making dashboards natively in the Azure portal vs. SquaredUp for Azure for VMInsights and AppInsights. In this third and final part we will be comparing our dashboard experiences when it comes to cloud cost management and visualization. We’ve already talked about the resource-level cost dashboards in the previous parts, our main goal in this one is to display costs on the subscription level. Alright, let’s jump straight into it!