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Cloud cost optimization with 2020 hindsight

The first half of 2020 has turned “business as usual” on its head, underscoring the criticality of both the cloud and cloud cost management in our digital era. For the last 16 years, the world of IT has been gradually moving from on-premise data centers to the public cloud, with SMBs and enterprises alike, drawn to the promise of scalability and potential cost-savings.

What's Next After Connectivity?

Across the world, many network operators, fiber network wholesalers, municipalities, and local authorities are in a race to put fiber in the ground. New techniques and specialized tools have reduced the time it takes to deploy optical fiber and increased the amount of fiber held in a single duct, this makes the dream of providing fiber to every premise a cost-effective reality.

6 Tips for Application Developers to Make Java Applications Faster

Application developers and application operations personnel are together responsible for ensuring that Java web applications perform well. In an earlier blog, we had discussed 7 configurations that Application Operations teams can use to make their Java applications high-performing. In this blog, we will focus on Application Developers and discuss 6 ways in which they can enhance the performance of their Java applications.

GitOps: Progressive Deployment and Security with D2iQ Dispatch and Alcide Advisor

GitOps has been around for quite some time now and continues to pique developer interest when it comes to driving operation tools. This technology-agnostic model embraces operations best practices, using Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications.The term GitOps for this operating model is now an industry standard and has rapidly made a name for itself among the Kubernetes and cloud-native communities.

How do you optimize your infrastructure in the midst of such reactive transformation?

The pandemic has heightened IT leaders’ need for efficiency in managing what we’re seeing more and more as a hybrid cloud world. We recently polled IT leaders across the US and EMEA on their current challenges, changes, and goals around hybrid cloud deployments, infrastructure visibility, use of AI/ML, and more.

Ways to Ensure App Security With Java Features

As important as adding new features, app developers need to start placing more emphasis on the security aspect of the applications they design. After all, more app features mean more data residing within an app. Without proper security controls in place, that data can be vulnerable to intruders.

Top 10 Web Development Frameworks in 2020

In this era, where there is a big competition in the digital world; web designing and web development plays a major role in the success of the web applications. Everyday advancements in the technologies pushes the developers to stay updated in the latest web development frameworks by learning various frameworks. In order to build a rich and interactive web applications thousands of developers are endorse in the use of frameworks.

How You Lose Money on Your Website Without Even Knowing It

Having a functional and operative website is a critical asset. A well-optimized and smart website can act as a revenue generating machine. The idea is to attract more visitors for your site, increase web page traffic, and then make sales or conversions on the main page. There is, however, a lot of competition in the online world. And to get your audience to land up on your page might still be an issue. This is where you could lose out on a lot of money from the pages.

Week 6 highlights from Knowledge 2020

The first five weeks of Knowledge 2020 covered a succession of core themes—Accelerate, Build, Succeed, Connect, and Dream. The theme of the sixth and final week of this epic virtual experience is an appropriate one: Act. As in, put all this Knowledge know-how to work with our employees, our customers, and in our jobs. Week 6 covered this ground in style.