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New in Prometheus v2.19.0: Memory-mapping of full chunks of the head block reduces memory usage by as much as 40%

The just-released Prometheus v2.19.0 introduces the new feature of memory-mapping full chunks of the head (in-memory) block from disk, which reduces memory usage and also makes restarts faster. I will be talking about this feature in this blog post.

Best practices for database performance optimization

Proactive database performance monitoring is essential to maintain resource utilization and system performance. As data volumes grow, it is critical to monitor databases properly to deliver a seamless enduser experience, and lower IT infrastructure costs. Pinpointing database issues as they occur can assist in faster troubleshooting, and keeping the health of the application intact. Without monitoring, database outages may go unnoticed, and lead to loss of business reputation and profit.

Reduce Monitoring Costs: How to Identify and Filter Unneeded Telemetry Data

To understand what’s going on in their environment, DevOps teams usually ship some combination of logs, metrics and traces—depending on which signals they’re hoping to monitor. Each data type will expose different information about what is happening in a system. However, not all of that information will be helpful on a day-to-day basis, which can rack up unnecessary data storage costs. That should require users start to filter telemetry data across their observability stacks.

Access commit data for each release with Sentry and Heroku

Heroku is a fully managed, container-based, cloud platform for deploying and running modern apps. Heroku takes an app-centric approach to software delivery and integrates with today’s most popular developer tools and workflows. One of today’s (and yesterday’s and tomorrow’s) most popular developer tools is Sentry.

Moving AWS Glue jobs to ECS on AWS Fargate led to 60% net savings

Last month, our team published a blog post titled How we reduced the AWS costs of our streaming data pipeline by 67%, which went viral on HackerNews (Top 5). Clearly, developers are hungry to learn about new AWS cost-saving strategies. We’ve had a lot of questions about AWS cost optimization stemming from the original post. However, this question from Carl at Klarna inspired us to write another post. So without further delay, here’s how we approached the problem and made the switch.

Updated Puppet GPG signing key, 2020 edition

Editor's note: This change to the GPG signing key affects both Puppet Enterprise users and open source Puppet users. If you're using Puppet Enterprise, you'll be getting the new key in an upcoming release, or if you manually update your version of puppet-agent, you'll get it then. Thanks to Morgan Rhodes (@KnittyNerd) for all the technical details for this blog post.

Upcoming Icinga Web feature: Rememberme

We always welcome feedback from you to make Icinga even better. Many Icinga users have expressed the opinion that they would like to have a rememberme checkbox on the login page of Icinga Web so that they don’t have to log in every time they visit Icinga Web We have worked on this new feature especially during the Home-Office and plan to release it in the next release of Icinga Web.

Tagging 101: Basics & How to Implement a Comprehensive AWS Tagging Strategy

As cloud environments grow and evolve more rapidly than ever, and with new cloud services emerging every day, achieving and maintaining a high level of organization across hundreds of resources and global teams can seem like a daunting task. However, it’s not impossible, and can be done through tagging. This post will cover the fundamentals of tags, as well as a comprehensive roadmap to developing a tagging strategy.

Searching Jira: Enhanced productivity with Elastic Workplace Search

Jira has long been a popular issue tracking tool for development teams, but its scope has broadened quite a bit over the years, and it has bloomed into a more well-rounded project management tool as well. It’s used widely by agile teams to plan, track, and release software, along with numerous other cloud (and traditional self-managed) productivity tools.

Making the Collection of Centralised S3 Logs into Splunk easy with Lambda and SQS

Got multiple AWS data sources in the same S3 bucket but struggle with efficient SNS notifications based on prefix wildcards? Well, struggle no more, we’ve got your back. Many of our customers have a centralised S3 Bucket for log collection for multiple sources and accounts. For example, all Config, CloudTrail and Access Log logs may be routed into one central bucket for an organisation.