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Observability at The Edge with Fastly and Datadog

You use CDNs because they allow you to serve content as quickly and reliably as possible. But how well are your systems performing? How securely are you moving data—and how do you know which parts of your environment are slowing you down? Learn how to improve end user experiences, accelerate development, and take full advantage of edge computing in this joint webinar.

Driving Service Reliability Through Autoscaling Workloads on OpenShift

In this webinar, Ara Pulido, Technical Evangelist at Datadog, will demonstrate how to autoscale your application workloads on OpenShift. You will learn frameworks for how to identify their key work and resource metrics; as well as how to use them to drive horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling so that you can maximize efficiency, while ensuring service reliability.

Cloud Operations

Are you currently operating on a hybrid-cloud or multi-cloud architecture and wanting to standardize SLO’s, observability, and alerting across your platforms? In this video, Yuri Grinshteyn shows you common architecture patterns for a hybrid observability approach. Watch to learn how you can standardize observability across multiple cloud providers!

Michael DeSa [InfluxData] | Monitoring Methodologies

The objective of this workshop will be to introduce participants to the RED and USE monitoring methodologies. We will compare and contrast the two methodologies. Care will be taken to highlight best practices associated with each methodology. The workshop will culminate in participants designing schema and using flux to create relevant visualizations of their data.

PagerDuty Atlassian Jira Software Server and Data Center Integration V4 How-To Video

Learn how to integrate (install/configure) the PagerDuty Atlassian Jira Server and Data Center Integration V4 and test the integration workflow. Enjoy a suite of capabilities that allows users to coordinate an incident response right from a Jira issue by using the PagerDuty sidebar. Drive synchronization and collaboration between teams with complex workflows. Map users and accounts across PagerDuty and Jira Server and Data Center.

How to Gain Visibility into the End-to-End User Experience on Citrix and Document KPIs

Learn how Goliath can help you better report on the end-user experience for your workforce using Citrix with end-user experience reports tracking logon speeds and other key performance indicators, worker productivity and activity reports, and overall IT system performance tracking resource utilization on hosts, VMs, and storage.