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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Getting started with Grafana Loki on Google Kubernetes Engine - under 5 minutes.

Introducing Loki by Grafana, a new logging backend, optimized for users running Prometheus and Kubernetes. Loki is a great match with Grafana for searching, visualizing and exploring your logs natively. Loki is the latest 100% open source project from the team at Grafana Labs.

How Oh Dear identified a certificate problem at a large CDN provider

As part of our service, we perform SSL certificate monitoring. We do this slightly different than other providers, which is why were able to detect a problem with the SSL certificates of a large, commercial, CDN provider. In this post, we'll do a technical deep-dive into how we found this problem!

The Cost of Website Downtime

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just behind us, and the Christmas and January sales on the horizon, the cost of downtime is a question that should be of concern to all business owners and e-commerce managers. It should be a concern, but is website downtime always given the consideration it deserves in your business? A company website is a critical component of any modern business, but for businesses who rely on online sales, it really is of paramount importance.

How to Keep IT Infrastructure Fresh and Fit for Purpose

As a network evolves over time, new devices are added, old devices begin to show their age, and some devices are completely forgotten about. It’s a natural consequence of mergers, upgrades, staff turnovers, and other common occurrences that contribute to redundancy or excess complexity in IT infrastructure.

Unpacking Events: All the Better to Observe

At Honeycomb, we’ve been listening to your feedback. You want easier ways to predict usage and scale your observability spend with your business. What would it look like to meet you where you already are, using similar terms, and give you more control with a simpler experience? We think that means reimagining the customer experience into one that centers around an event-based model. But what exactly is an event? What does that mean for your team’s observability journey?