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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Circonus Spring 2020 Release Includes Kubernetes Monitoring Solution

This week, we announced the availability of our Spring 2020 release. The highlight of the release is our Kubernetes monitoring solution, which provides health-based alerting and horizontal pod auto-scaling. Additional enhancements include cloud monitoring, GCP Marketplace availability, performance improvements, and a more comprehensive Terraform integration. Here’s some background on these latest capabilities.

How to work from home: 9 tips from the folks at Sensu

Even before a global pandemic caused many of us — willingly or not — to suddenly start working from home, it had long been on my list to compile a “work from home” guide, crowdsourcing the advice from the folks here at Sensu. As a remote-first company, we have our fair share of pro tips for working from home; we also want to acknowledge that these times are anything but normal.

How Efficiency Depends on Observability

If you hadn't heard the term “this is the new normal” yet today, then you haven't been listening. While right now is not normal, current events have us all wondering how the work environment is going to change once we get there. There are a few things that we can expect: Having pipelines and applications that are observable is key to all of this.

How Web Application Monitoring Is Changing

I’m at an interesting point in my career. I’ve ridden all the rides and managed all the technology things like most ops engineers with some miles. Eventually, you realize—with a few notable exceptions—IT technology is a cycle in which enterprises reimplement the same business functions over and over again. And this realization forces a change.

What is modern management, and how will it revolutionize enterprise IT management?

IT departments have experienced numerous changes in the way they manage and control user devices. Starting with the traditional CRT monitor-based computers, to modern smartphones, technological developments have been remarkable. Additionally, with the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are restricted to work from home, making the IT administration routines challenging for system administrators.

The High Cost of NOT Monitoring Every Business-Critical Application

Maybe you’ve been there. You’re a VP of engineering, or a product owner. There was a critical outage in one of your apps, and it took your team an entire week to track down and fix the issue. Customers and revenue were lost. Now you’re sitting in a review meeting with a consultant hired to figure out what happened and why.