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The latest News and Information on Service Reliability Engineering and related technologies.

How Squadcast Helps With Flapping Alerts

Often we receive a series of alerts that get auto-resolved within a short period of time. Such alerts are called flapping or transient alerts. In this blog, we'll explore Auto Pause transient alert (APTA) feature that detects flapping alerts and temporarily pause incident notifications hence reducing alert fatigue.

Simplifying Service Dependency With Squadcast's Service Graph

Microservices are fantastic for agility and innovation, but the trade-off is complex service management and ownership. With hundreds of interconnected services, troubleshooting and Incident Response can become a potential blocker. The traditional siloed approach to service ownership and the increasing deployment makes service management more complex.

Understanding Cardinality with Levitate's Cardinality Explorer

Predicting the future is hard, especially with metrics-based monitoring systems, because metrics cardinality can snowball. This is important because it affects query performance adversely. Having visibility into what’s happening now and workflows to manage cardinality is crucial. Because the answers depend on the quality of questions, a system allows you to ask. The questions one may have is —

Does Every Incident Need a Retrospective? Here's What the Experts Have to Say

Every quarter, we host a roundtable discussion centered around the challenges encountered by incident responders at the world’s leading organizations. These discussions are lightly facilitated and vendor-agnostic, with a carefully curated group of experts. Everyone brings their own unique perspective and experience to the group as we dive deep into the real-world challenges incident responders are facing today.

From Amazon to Apple: Key Strategies for Operational Excellence in Tech

Jim Gochee, CEO of Blameless with a history at New Relic and Apple, Ken Gavranovic, COO of Blameless and an Amazon Best Selling Author with experiences at Cox, Web.Com, and Unqork, and Lee Atchison, Chief Reliability Officer at Blameless, noted for his work on Amazon BeanStalk and as the author of "Architecting for Scale," with roles at AWS, HP, and New Relic, will guide this session.

8 Strategies for Reducing Alert Fatigue

Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) and DevOps teams often deal with alert fatigue. It's like when you get too alert that it's hard to keep up, making it tougher to respond quickly and adding extra stress to the current responsibilities. According to a study, 62% of participants noted that alert fatigue played a role in employee turnover, while 60% reported that it resulted in internal conflicts within their organization.

The Catchpoint 2024 SRE Report - Five Key Takeaways

Only emerging into the mainstream in the 2010s, SRE is a relatively new discipline in tech. It’s been rapidly adopted by a widening variety of organizations, implementing constantly evolving practices. For the last six years, Catchpoint has been running a survey to take the temperature of the latest developments and trends. Check out the full report here, and read on to see our analysis on five key takeaways.

Non-Abstract Large System Design (NALSD): The Ultimate Guide

Non-Abstract Large System Design (NALSD) is an approach where intricate systems are crafted with precision and purpose. It holds particular importance for Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) due to its inherent alignment with the core principles and goals of SRE practices. It improves the reliability of systems, allows for scalable architectures, optimizes performance, encourages fault tolerance, streamlines the processes of monitoring and debugging, and enables efficient incident response.