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Kubernetes Incident Management Best Practices

Creating just any infrastructure on Kubernetes is not enough. There are so many basic configurations you could apply and create the infrastructure for your application for the time being and it might work just fine. The incident responses won’t always remain 100% reliable. You will run into newer potholes, and that’s okay.

Understanding Blameless Postmortems

Progress often accompanies unforeseen challenges and mishaps in organizations. Traditionally, these setbacks resulted in pointing fingers, hindering progress, and creating a negative work atmosphere. However, a "Blameless Postmortems" approach transforms how organizations respond to failure. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of cultivating a blameless postrmortem culture when faced with setbacks.

Introducing Squadcast's Key Based Deduplication

We are excited to share another feature update with all our valued customers! We have recently gone live with our Key Based Deduplication feature, enabling you to define dedup keys using customizable templates for configured alert sources. With this feature, you can automatically group similar incidents and effectively deduplicate alerts.
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Kubernetes Monitoring Best Practices

Kubernetes can be installed using different tools, whether open-source, third-party vendor, or in a public cloud. In most cases, default installations have limited monitoring capabilities. Therefore, once a Kubernetes cluster is running, administrators must implement monitoring solutions to meet their requirements. Typical use cases for Kubernetes monitoring include: Effective Kubernetes monitoring requires a mix of tools, strategy, and technical expertise. To help you get it right, this article will explore seven essential Kubernetes monitoring best practices in detail.

The Medium is the Message: How to Master the Most Essential Incident Communication Channels

We’ve all seen it: a company experiencing a major incident and going radio silent, leaving their customers to wonder “Are they doing something about this?!”. If you’ve ever been on the inside of something like this, you know the answer is most likely yes, there are people working hard to put out the fire as quickly as possible. But when it comes to incidents, perception is reality for customers.

Looking Beyond Atlassian StatusPage: The 5 Best Alternatives

Status Pages are crucial cogs in your Incident Communication process, they serve as vital channels to keep your stakeholders informed during periods of downtime. Although there are many proficient tools in the market, such as Atlassian Status Page and Status.io, these standalone Status Pages can come with a hefty price tag, with various pricing plans and tiers for both Public and Private Status Pages. Moreover, with Atlassian Cloud’s recent issues, its dependability is in question.