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Insights for AWS Kinesis and Step Functions now supported by Dashbird

August 2020 marks 3 years of Dashbird and empowering serverless DevOps teams to fully understand their complex serverless infrastructures by enabling them to get full observability and insights into its performance. This birthday month, we have plenty of surprises, giveaways, and goodies in our sleeve over the next few weeks, so sign up for our newsletter to be the first one to know.

Where did all my spans go? A guide to diagnosing dropped spans in Jaeger

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling like you’ve finally found the perfect trace only to see that you’re missing critical spans. In fact, a common question for new users and operators of Jaeger, the popular distributed tracing system, is: “Where did all my spans go?” In this post we’ll discuss how to diagnose and correct lost spans in each element of the Jaeger ingestion pipeline.

How to maximize span ingestion while limiting writes per second to Scylla with Jaeger

Jaeger primarily supports two backends: Cassandra and Elasticsearch. Here at Grafana Labs we use Scylla, an open source Cassandra-compatible backend. In this post we’ll look at how we run Scylla at scale and share some techniques to reduce load while ingesting even more spans. We’ll also share some internal metrics about Jaeger load and Scylla backend performance. Special thanks to the Scylla team for spending some time with us to talk about performance and configuration!

How to Use the New Sumo Logic Terraform Provider for Hosted Collectors

Automation is a key component in the management of the entire software release lifecycle. While we know it is critical to the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery process, it is now becoming equally essential to the underlying infrastructure you depend on. As automation has increased, a new principle for managing infrastructure has emerged to prevent environment drift and ensure your infrastructure is consistently and reliably provisioned.

How to Optimize Websites for Ad Publishers

As an ad publisher, your revenue depends on two main factors: traffic to your site and ad optimization. A lot of the focus goes into the practice and processes of driving traffic to your site from an SEO perspective, but what if when visitors get to your site, they have a less than ideal experience? All the effort and time that went into creating and driving traffic to your site would be for nothing if the visitor lands on your page and doesn’t take any action.

Data Loss Prevention and Security Basics You Need to Know

Cyberattacks are the “buzz word” that you hear when a company’s data has been breached. Sometimes the breach results in data being released on the internet. Other times, the hacker holds the data ransom in exchange for a large monetary payout. Data loss prevention and protection should be at the top of your list. Your data, after all, should be considered one of your most valuable business assets.

How to build a security team without becoming the enemy

Unsurprisingly, a lot of people say they don’t like working with security teams. Security teams often have ridiculous requirements, and it can be painful for everyone when releases get delayed. I’ve been guilty of thinking the same thing, so when I was approached at my job at Doximity to build a security team (without prior experience doing so), I knew I wanted to take a different approach.

Introducing the OpUtils mobile app

Troubleshoot your IP addresses and switch ports faster and smarter! Managing and troubleshooting your network IPs and ports effectively can become difficult if hands-on network monitoring by your IT team is required at all times. Ever wondered if you can monitor your IPs and endpoints on the go? If yes, the solution you need is the OpUtils mobile app.

How Uptime.com can Help Improve Internal Documentation

An acquaintance of mine works for a company that still uses Windows XP to manage some internal applications. The higher ups of the company refuse to adopt the new versions, given costs and technical gaps, and it’s created something of a Pandora’s box for employee turnover. With no strong internal reference documentation, each new departure leaves IT wondering two things. This rather amusing conundrum is apparently not an isolated incident.