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An IT Pro's Declassified School Success Guide

Class is almost in session, and this year will look very different than it did in years past. Depending on the state and district, school officials have decided to continue virtual learning or put safety plans in place for in-person learning. In any case, technology will be the backbone for successful learning in 2020. Schools’ IT departments will be integral in ensuring students and teachers have reliable devices and easy access to software applications to start and finish the year strong.

Ivanti Device and Application Control 5.2 Is Now Available

Thanks to your feedback in the User Voice portal, and our roadmap for the future of Ivanti Device and Application Control as discussed in the webinar earlier this year, we are pleased to announce the latest 5.2 release of Ivanti Device and Application Control. Hopefully by now you realize Ivanti is serious about making significant updates to the dedicated set of Ivanti products that form the Independent Business Unit. This content rich update is available for download now!

Measuring VoIP Quality with SIP and RTP

The pandemic has changed the way teams collaborate within an organization and between companies. With work from home becoming the new normal, employees are turning to new options for collaboration, meeting, training and onboarding have moved online. The office is now a virtual space. With the increasing demand for online meetings, it is even more important to monitor the health and performance of such meetings.

Using Konvoy to Patch your Cluster Infrastructure (Part 1)

Recently we hit the infamous kmem bug in our internal Production Konvoy Cluster. We discovered that we were having this issue after users began reporting a particular CI Job was failing intermittently throughout the Cluster with the following error: From the Pod Logs: From the Kernel Logs.

Network operating system: operation, history and monitoring

In the early days of telephony, there were few people who had phone numbers in every town and city. There were just a few numbers to remember and if your brain failed, you could check with a telephone operator, women who always knew (and know) how to listen. Let’s see how a network operating system was born in the middle of the 20th century, right at the center of telephone networks.

Elastic Training helps UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency better serve motorists

The core responsibility of the UK's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is to maintain more than 48 million driver records, more than 40 million vehicle records, and to collect approximately £6 billion ($7.75 billion) a year in Vehicle Excise Duty. The agency is at the forefront of public digital services, and has made significant progress in transforming its IT systems into new cloud-based platforms.

Real-Time Cost Alerts and Forecasts for AWS

For many companies, cloud costs are among the top investments these days. With a growing number of services, instances and regions, cloud cost optimization is becoming increasingly painful. Companies use cloud management platforms to optimize costs and increase cloud visibility and security. But staying on top of AWS budgets requires proficiency, agility and time—especially when any glitch can result in massive cost bleeds.

Network Operations Center Best Practices (in 2020)

Your Network Operations Center (NOC) is responsible for network monitoring, incident response, and other network operations activities — and you want to optimize its performance. To achieve your goal, your NOC team assesses data and explores ways to improve its everyday operations. The team may also implement NOC best practices or craft some of its own. NOC teams manage network availability and performance, along with servers, databases, firewalls, devices, and related external services.

Top Five Reasons Why Companies Are Choosing OnPage Over Competitors

OnPage’s intelligent incident management system is the alerting solution of choice for industry-leading organizations. Since the beginning, companies have invested in the OnPage system for its advanced capabilities, out-of-the-box integrations and unmatched 24/7 customer support. Though we can provide a comprehensive view into OnPage’s competitive advantage, here are the top five reasons why customers continue to trust OnPage’s incident management system.