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Things you might have missed when using Dashbird

Just starting out with Dashbird? Great, you are in the right place. I’ve been speaking with hundreds of our new users in the past couple for months about their experience with Dashbird. I must say the feedback has been incredible so far. However, there are a few things I’ve noticed that our users haven’t yet taken advantage of within the platform. For a better success, let me point them out to you.

Easy A/B Testing with PlanOut

So you want to A/B test your web app. The idea is simple, but the details can get messy, and you don’t want to re-invent the wheel. Services like Optimizely are pretty good, but they can be expensive and full of features you don’t need immediately. In this post, we’ll share how Sentry wrote an experimentation system with minimal work.

Winning the deal: In the end - it all boils down to people

I joined BigPanda a year ago yesterday – and I can truly say it’s been one of the most intense and exciting years, both personally and professionally. A roller-coaster ride of PG activities, POVs and nourishing partnerships with our prospects and customers. And looking back at all that I’ve gone through, one of my strongest takeaways is that while our product is amazing and our POVs are rock solid, in the end it’s the people who tip the scales.

Software visibility is the key to innovation

Software is eating the world. How we spend time, what we eat, who we meet, how we communicate, where we travel... is defined by the code. Increasingly, software is calling the shots and telling humans what to do. With deep learning, this trend is just going to accelerate. The most powerful companies that used to rule the world with professional, skilled executives are becoming incumbents getting disrupted.

Canary releases with Azure Deployment Manager and Datadog

Canary releases are a powerful technique for updating large-scale production environments safely. The idea is simple: deploy the update to a subset of your environment, pause and monitor to ensure everything is healthy, and then deploy to the next subset. But implementing these staged releases can be challenging, as you’ll need to retool your deployment pipeline and build programmatic health checks to validate the success of each canary release.

Mattermost Joins Google's Inaugural Season of Docs Program

At Mattermost, we believe in the power of open source software and open companies. To this end, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been accepted into Google’s inaugural Season of Docs, a new program designed to highlight the promise of open source technology while raising awareness of the critical role docs and the technical writers who create them play in the success of open source projects.

Kubernetes Co-Creator Brendan Burns: Lessons Learned Monitoring Cloud Native Systems

“I’ve run a lot of systems in production, and a lot of what has gone into the Kubernetes project came out of scars that came from running web search in production and running API services,” Brendan Burns, the co-creator of Kubernetes, said at the top of his keynote at GrafanaCon L.A.

DevOps Engineer Starter Guide

Everybody climb aboard the hype train with me. Today, we’re going to study a new job title: the DevOps engineer. This role is getting popular in the same way that the full-stack developer role became popular before it. In fact, one could argue that the DevOps engineer is an extension of the full-stack developer in that both seek to extend our ownership of our software.