Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Hyperconvergence and Monitoring

Hyperconvergence, hyperconvergent platforms, hyperconvergent modules, are relatively new terms in the world of data centers. In addition, each technology that emerges or evolves and succeeds in penetrating the market represents new challenges for monitoring platforms. Thus, hyperconvergence is another in the list, which includes elements such as the cloud, software-defined networks, edge computing, DevOps, Agile, and so many others.

Bring Structure to Your Logs with Custom Parsing on LogDNA

Picture a perfect world where all logs shared the same layout, format, and structure. Every application, programming language, and logging framework created logs that were verbose, yet easily parsable. Of course, we don’t live in this ideal world, and so we’re stuck with dozens or even hundreds of various log formats. While LogDNA supports a large number of common log formats, there are formats out there that our automatic parsing engine won’t recognize.

Going deep on UUIDs and ULIDs

The other day the HB team was chatting and Ben, our dev-ops master, mentioned that he wished he'd used ULIDs instead of UUIDs for a particular system. Like any seasoned engineer, my reaction was to mumble something non-committal then sneak over to Google to try to figure out what the hell a ULID is. Two hours later I emerged with a thousand-yard stare and the realization that the world of unique identifiers is larger and more wondrous than I ever could have imagined.

Aha - Project Management Roadmaps for Effective Business Solutions

Launched in 2013, today Aha is one of the fastest developing product roadmap and marketing planning applications in the world. The company offers exhaustive road mapping facilities alongside project organization, which clients can utilize to the maximum. Once the association is made, Aha works with companies on projects right from their conceptualization to a successful launch.

What is an SRE?

Many of my fellow engineers ask me what it means to be an SRE (Site Reliability Engineer). When I tell them it’s a type of DevOps engineer, they get a glazed look in their eyes and then ask what a DevOps engineer is. I then find myself googling both job titles and reading twelve very different definitions until I reach the conclusion that these definitions vary wildly from company to company and from team to team.