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2019 Important IT Milestones

“What??? Fully end of life by April, you say? As in, ‘in-six-weeks’ April? Well, there go my weekends for a while. When will we ever get this right?” We’ve all been there at some point, completely under water, late on key projects, having to fight to get our SLA and security KPIs green and completely forget that time is running and now, again, core components are nearing their end of life. Here at Nexthink, we don’t want you to have to go through that.

Network Security Monitoring with Suricata, Logz.io and the ELK Stack

Suricata is an open source threat detection system. Initially released by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) in 2010, Suricata can act both as an intrusion detection system (IDS), and intrusion prevention system (IPS), or be used for network security monitoring.

PHP Error Log Basics

When developing PHP applications, error logs tend to be underutilized due to their apparent complexity. The reality is that PHP error logs are extremely helpful, especially when configured and used properly. While there are advanced tricks to truly squeeze every last drop of utility out of error logs, this article will cover the basics of configuration and the most common use cases so you can get up and running quickly.

Five worthy reads: AI and ML: Keys to the next layer of endpoint protection

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we’ll talk about why incorporating AI into your UEM strategy may be inevitable.

Single Sign-On for Kubernetes: An Introduction

One of the great things about Kubernetes is that it completely separates authentication and authorization. Authentication (Authn) meaning the act of identifying who the user is and authorization (Authz) meaning the act of working out if they’re allowed to perform some action. This can be thought of in terms of a Passport and a Visa.

BugSplat Integrates Auth0 for improved login security

As part of our continuing security program here at BugSplat, we’re switching to an authentication service called Auth0 for all of our account logins. Auth0 is a universal authentication and authorization platform that supports customer-requested features like federated logins, which means authenticating with a different provider, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which is a two-step login protocol requiring separate verification from a mobile device to access your account.

Four Reasons Why Service-Centric AIOps Is A Better Bet Than Your Average AIOps Point Tool

By 2022, Gartner predicts that 40% of large enterprises will adopt AIOps solutions to cope with never-ending alert floods and ensure faster recovery from disruptive IT outages. The AIOps market is experiencing rapid growth with explosive enterprise adoption, accelerated revenue growth and continued investments from IT operations players.