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18 Statistics That Will Make Healthcare Ditch Pagers

What do VHS players and Tamagotchis have in common with the pager? It’s simple, they’re old pieces of technology that were popular in the ‘90s. It’s no longer the “Saved by the Bell” years and doctors need to get with the times by ditching their hammer pants, fanny packs … and pagers! By saying goodbye to the pager, doctors can adopt a more secure, clinical communications solution that’s equipped to handle all 21st century hospital demands.

Enable Kubernetes Pod Security Policy with kube-psp-advisor

Kubernetes Pod Security Policy is a mechanism to enforce best security practices in Kubernetes. In this tutorial, we will explain how to enable Kubernetes Pod Security Policy across your cluster using kube-psp-advisor to address the practical challenges of building an adaptive and fine-grained security policy on Kubernetes in production.

Avoiding Junk-Drawer Classes in Ruby

Because Ruby is an object-oriented language, we tend to model the world as a set of objects. We say that two integers (x and y) are a Point, and a Line has two of them. While this approach is often useful, it has one big problem. It privileges one interpretation of the data over all others. It assumes that x, and y will always be a Point and that you'll never need them to act as a Cell or Vector. What happens when you do need a Cell? Well, Point owns the data. So you add a your cell methods to Point.

Performance monitoring with OpenTracing, OpenCensus, and OpenMetrics

If you are familiar with instrumenting applications, you may have heard of OpenMetrics, OpenTracing, and OpenCensus. These projects aim to create standards for application performance monitoring and collecting metric data. Although the projects do overlap in terms of their goals, they each take a different approach to observability and instrumentation.

When it comes to system metrics, skip vanity and promote transparency

At Hosted Graphite, our users rely on us for a heavy-duty component of their business: monitoring their stack. This is a responsibility we take very seriously and we realize how critical it is for a user to know right away whether the problem detected is related to their own systems or to our system. That’s why we choose to publish our internal system metrics to our public status page.

6 Powerful PHP Frameworks To Work With In 2019

Creating a website from scratch requires a lot of work, which is often tedious. In several cases, you will need to recreate the functionalities that you have built thousands of times. This recreation of functions is equal to reinventing the wheel. This is where software frameworks come handy, you can utilize such frameworks as the foundation for you application and build your program upon it.

7 Signs of an Attempted Data Breach- and How to Stop It in Its Tracks

Data breaches come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of exposure. They can range from a couple of log files unintentionally left available to the public to the leak of hundreds of thousands of users’ personally identifiable information (PII). Don’t think that just because you have a secure network, a leak can’t happen to you.

Web Page Monitoring with Pandora FMS, Python and BeautifulSoup

Among my multiple occupations is also contributing to edit Wikipedia, and there is a wonderful article about Pandora FMS where it is stated that we can do a Web Page Monitoring to extract, for example, the value of Google actions and alert if they fall below a certain figure. That is still true today, although many things have changed!

How to Configure Windows Network Printers and Email in Office 365

Enterprise users of Office 365 often need to configure a multi-function printer to use the platform’s SMTP email capabilities on their network. There are several ways of doing this, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. In this guide we’ll be looking at the steps required in setting up Office 365 network printing and email under various conditions.

From value-add to strategic partner: Technical Account Managers

When the National Bank of Canada set off on a cultural and digital transformation, the most important objective was putting people first, both their clients and employees. They needed better transparency and collaboration across teams, and knew that consolidating and standardizing their applications would help them achieve this.