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How to Detect Slow Database Queries Affecting Application Performance

The biggest challenge when a user complains of slow application is diagnosing why it’s slow: Is it due to a code-level issue or a database issue? Should we call the DBA or the application manager? Performance problems with the database can cause up to 70% of all application performance issues in production, according to consensus among database practitioners and experts.

A Greater Gatsby: Modern, Static-Site Generation

Gatsby is currently generating a ton of buzz as the new hot thing for generating static sites. This has lead to a number of frequent questions like: A static…what now? How is GraphQL involved? Do I need to set up a GraphQL server? What if I’m not a great React developer, really more of a bad React developer?

9 Under Maintenance Page Tips To Keep Control During Site Work

A site under maintenance can be stressful for employees and customers. In our fast paced and hyper-competitive business environment, pulling through unharmed from a difficult situation requires a lot of effort, communication and teamwork. Often the level of effort required to ensure things run smoothly goes unnoticed by those on the outside of your organization.

The Need for Security-Specific Applications

When we talk about cloud providers, we often forget that not all data is the same — even in the same application, while we might think of this data as from a “financial application” or a “computation process”, the reality is that each data set has subsets upon subsets, and thus require specific applications to manage them.

Mattermost security update 5.7.1/5.6.4/5.5.3/4.10.6 (ESR) released

We are releasing a recommended security update via Mattermost Team Edition 5.7.1, 5.6.4, 5.5.3 and 4.10.6 (ESR) and Mattermost Enterprise Edition 5.7.1, 5.6.4, 5.5.3 and 4.10.6 (ESR). This security update addresses a high-level vulnerability discovered during a security research review by Rohitesh Gupta.

Introducing The PagerDuty Postmortem Guide

Your team had been fighting this major incident for hours, but your investigation was hitting one dead end after another. Finally, you managed to isolate the problem and your graphs started to improve. When all systems went back to normal, everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, shut down the response call, and went back to bed, never to think of this incident again. Or so you thought.