Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Qovery: superpowers for developer

All developers are not equal, some know how to deploy their applications, others don’t. But now it’s over! With Qovery, all developers can deploy their application in the Cloud in just a few seconds. Qovery integrates seamlessly with Github and requires no effort from the developer. We know how it can be painful for developers to deploy applications, manage staging/development/features environments, synchronize databases and all system stuff - even in the Cloud.

The Google Maps of Hybrid IT Environments

Imagine you’ve flown into an unfamiliar city. You may have no idea how to get to your hotel or where to grab lunch. But no worries, right? You just open up your trusty Google Maps, and instantly you know where to go and what’s available along the way. Google Maps even warns you about traffic conditions, so you can steer clear of trouble. Now compare that situation to managing your hybrid IT environment.

Synthetic Simulation for Proactive User Experience Monitoring of Web Applications

Managing web applications is not a small task and making sure that these web-based business applications are online when that busy workday starts is a challenge for many enterprises. The ability to proactively test the user experience would go a long way for being able to ensure application stability and performance around the clock.

8 current technology trends for companies

Are you craving for new technology trends? Do you also want to know them in order to discover whether they can benefit your company in any way? The technological wheel does not stop going forwards, affecting the results of companies in an increasingly drastic way. That is why it is increasingly necessary to know what technologies are going to make an impact on the business world. In Pandora FMS blog, we do not want to stay behind either.

Elastic Stack monitoring with Metricbeat via Logstash or Kafka

In a previous blog post, we introduced a new method of monitoring the Elastic Stack with Metricbeat. Using Metricbeat to externally collect monitoring information about Elastic Stack products improves the reliability of monitoring those products. It also provides flexibility with how the monitoring data may be routed to the Elasticsearch monitoring cluster.

Storage Monitoring with OpsRamp

OpsRamp helps IT teams monitor the availability of physical, logical, and virtual storage resources with performance indicators for storage capacity, overall utilization, and disk latency. IT teams can optimize their storage environments with granular visibility for storage components such as volume, fiber channel, RAID, SAN switches, LUNs, caches, and disks.

How to Secure Office365 with Cloud SIEM

SaaS adoption is continuously on the rise and so is the number of companies migrating their email services to Microsoft Office365. It’s the most popular SaaS service and while over 90% of enterprises use it, only less than a quarter of them have already migrated to the cloud-based suite. Nonetheless, this number is growing steadily, as cloud adoption rates are increasing.

.NET Performance Optimization: Everything You Need To Know

It’s Friday afternoon, the majority of the development staff has already packed up and headed home for the weekend, but you remain to see the latest hotfix through to production. To your dismay, immediately after deployment, queues start backing up and you begin to get alerts from your monitoring system. Something has been broken and all evidence points to an application performance bottleneck.