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What Are the Benefits of Monitoring Event Logs?

If you maintain a regular practice of keeping log data, you probably have an established way of observing event logs in real time or you do it by using batch processing. There are two ways you can monitor event logs: manually and automatically. By monitoring event logs, you can gain deeper insight into system metrics, localize process bottlenecks, and detect security vulnerabilities. What are some other advantages of event log monitoring, and how can you get the most out of it?

Image Management & Mutability in Docker and Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a fantastic tool for building large containerised software systems in a manner that is both resilient and scalable. But the architecture and design of Kubernetes has evolved over time, and there are some areas that could do with tweaking or rethinking. This post digs into some issues related to how image tags are handled in Kubernetes and how they are treated differently in plain Docker.

Evangelical Hospital Improves Physician and Healthcare worker user experience related to Citrix, Allscripts, and Business Applications with Goliath Performance Monitor for XenApp & XenDesktop 6.5

Evangelical Community Hospital is a health system with a 132-bed facility, and it is very important to make certain all 200 physicians and 900 healthcare workers have unimpeded access to Allscripts and IE based applications. At a hospital facility patient care is the primary concern, and if those who take care of patients can’t access applications like Allscripts, it can directly impact the patient.

Monitoring Citrix User Experience in Real Time: See What Your Users Are Seeing

User experience is the biggest and most important factor in determining the success of Citrix rollout in an organization. When end-users are happy with their virtualized applications and desktops, then everything is hunky dory and Citrix admins can focus on operations and maintenance.

Extending Stackdriver to on-prem with the new BindPlane integration

We introduced our partnership with Blue Medora last year, and explained in a blog post how it extends Stackdriver’s capabilities. We’re pleased to announce that you can now join our new offering for Blue Medora. If you’re using Stackdriver to monitor your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources, you can now extend your observability to on-prem infrastructure, Microsoft Azure, databases, hardware devices and more.

How to monitor networks for dummies. Here is what you need

Ok, so you own a company, now what? All right, then one of the million things to keep in mind, in addition to the plant that you are going to buy for your office, is learning how to monitor networks. Think that if your computerized network stops working properly (for any reason) and the data that normally flows through it does not, the company is not functional anymore, during the whole time the disaster lasts.