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GrafanaCon Recap: Running a Power Plant with Grafana

A water and energy innovation company founded in 2005, Natel Energy builds hydropower turbines and designs resilient and distributed hydropower systems. In his talk at GrafanaCon EU, Natel Developer Ryan McKinley gave us a fascinating look at how the company is using Grafana to help run these next-generation power plants.

Mattermost 5.0: Intercept and modify posts, advanced permissions, longer posts and more

Mattermost 5.0 has new features designed to improve productivity while enhancing security: Intercept and modify posts – customize Mattermost by creating plugins to automatically restrict, modify, censor and link posts, Advanced permissions – ensure everyone has the proper level of access with new system and team permissions schemes

5 Things You Need in a Digital Operations Management Platform

It’s pretty well known that we live in a connected, always-on world where seconds matter when it comes to customer happiness. There are smaller incident management solution providers that offer what looks to be competitive pricing—but it’s important to consider the bigger picture outside basic alerting and incident response.

Mattermost Recipe: How to create a chatbot with Dialogflow and Google Cloud Functions

(Editor’s note: This guest Mattermost Recipe was contributed by Brian Hopkins, a member of the Mattermost community.) Here’s the next installment of a new series of posts we’re doing on the Mattermost blog: Mattermost Recipes. The goal of these posts is to provide you with solutions to specific problems, as well as a discussion about the details of the solution and some tips about how to customize it to suit your needs perfectly.

Four nines and beyond: A guide to high availability infrastructure

We’ve talked about the increasingly-interconnected nature of cloud tools and the domino-goes-crashing-down effect thatcan happen when just one critical service has downtime. Web uptime is more important than ever, and it’s critical that these services we all rely on are up and running as often as possible.

Sysdig Monitor summer 2018 release.

It’s the first day of summer and the perfect opportunity for our summer Sysdig Monitor release round up. For those of you following our progress, we use these blogs to showcase the work we’ve done to add increased functionality, scale, and usability with Sysdig Monitor. What follows are quick descriptions of all the good stuff we’ve made available over the past few months.

A Start to Finish Guide to Docker with Java

Intro to managing and running a containerized Java Spring Boot application. Docker is a platform for packaging, deploying, and running applications in containers. It can run containers on any system that supports the platform: a developer’s laptop, systems on “on-prem,” or in the cloud without modification. Images, the packages Docker uses for applications, are truly cross-platform.