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What Slack Downtime Costs, and What We Can Do About It

This morning, though, all of our backlogs were a little harder to sift through thanks to a Slack outage in Europe and the US. To calm down, some of us might have turned to our Google Home or Chromecast to unwind while the outage hours piled up, only to find those were down too! What a morning!Now that Slack is running again, let’s take a moment to reflect on what the outage means and what we can learn from it.

Monitor Amazon EKS with AppDynamics

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) makes it easier to operate Kubernetes clusters, but performance monitoring remains a top challenge. AppDynamics seamlessly integrates into EKS environments, providing insights into the performance of every microservice deployed, all through a single pane of glass.

CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS Released

Today we are happy to announce the general availability of CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS! This release has a lot of new features, and we are very excited about all the new possibilities you get with CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS. If you are using the previous LTS, 3.10 you will also benefit from all the new features, improvements and testing of the 3.11 release, which you can read more about in the CFEngine 3.11 release post.

Introducing the All-New, Reimagined ChangeTower - Here's What's Changed

Meet the new ChangeTower. It’s everything that’s important to you across the internet, in one visual stream. Website content monitoring is about more than just knowing when a change occurs. It’s knowing what changes were made made and how they’re important to you. We’re excited to introduce an all-new, reimagined ChangeTower that helps you filter out the ‘noise’ and stay effortlessly in-the-know across websites.

Status page open source vs. paid guide

Over the years here at Statuspage we’ve probably heard every version of the open source vs. paid status page argument. While we’re obviously fans of the SaaS model, we also know there are a lot of advantages to an open source status page for a lot of teams. We’ve even recommended that route to some potential customers we thought would have a better experience hosting their own open source page.

How Bitbucket Data Center's largest customers scale with Git

Supporting a growing software team is a daunting challenge, and Git is often at the heart of that task. Ensuring developers can effectively collaborate requires user provisioning, tool permissions, and enough horsepower to support all of the load. If you support a distributed team, the factors become more complex. How do you ensure developers have a consistent experience across geographies and help productivity flourish?

DevOps Redemption: Don't Let Outdated Data Analytics Tools Slow You Down

You know what’s not fun for DevOps engineers? Manually investigating and troubleshooting issues within their applications. It’s also no longer feasible in today’s highly complex and fast moving IT landscape. Gone are the days of using legacy on-premises tools for modern applications and infrastructures because they simply aren’t compatible.