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DevOps Redemption: Don't Let Outdated Data Analytics Tools Slow You Down

You know what’s not fun for DevOps engineers? Manually investigating and troubleshooting issues within their applications. It’s also no longer feasible in today’s highly complex and fast moving IT landscape. Gone are the days of using legacy on-premises tools for modern applications and infrastructures because they simply aren’t compatible.

Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service with Datadog

Microsoft recently released Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), a managed service that helps you deploy, run, and scale Kubernetes clusters. We’re pleased to share that Datadog’s integrations with Kubernetes and Azure Monitor can give you comprehensive visibility into your AKS infrastructure with no additional configuration.

Start managing Active Directory from your help desk with the new AD management plug-in

ServiceDesk Plus users can now use an AD management plug-in to create and manage Active Directory (AD) users from the ServiceDesk Plus console. This plug-in will automatically add all AD user management actions to this help desk tool’s service catalog. Beyond technicians logging into ServiceDesk Plus to execute requests, regular users can access the tool to raise requests for user management actions.

Major Update to GroundWork Monitor With Azure Connector For Organizations Expanding Into the Cloud

Information technology (IT) administrators overwhelmed with the task of maintaining physical infrastructure as their networks expand into cloud and hybrid-cloud systems can now have an enhanced view of their entire IT infrastructure with GroundWork Monitor, a unified monitoring platform by GroundWork Open Source, Inc.

6 ways to improve clinical communications

The healthcare industry is currently laden with pagers. The joke is that not even drug dealers use pagers any more. However, almost 80% of doctors do use pagers. The main problems with pagers is that they impede efficient clinical communications and lack security. Here are 6 ways to improve clinical communications.

Feature Spotlight: HTTP(S) Check

HTTP(S) checks are the most basic checks available on the Uptime platform, but they are by no means simplistic. Adding additional parameters provides important and useful statistics. Your basic HTTP(S) Check monitors a specific web or IP address, with optional parameters that provide additional functionality. It will likely be the first check you create, but the functionality of an HTTP(S) check allows for a variety of valuable escalation scenarios.