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Logs monitoring

Logs Monitoring plays an important role in analyzing, troubleshooting and alerting on problems. Organizations have lots of data in logs that should be mined to get valuable insights on users, applications and systems behavior. Real time alerting from logs monitoring does help in identifying the problems early. It also provides security related insights when someone is trying to break into your organization.

Synthetic Monitoring vs. Real User Monitoring for Application Performance Management: Pros and Cons

It is no longer sufficient for IT operations teams to monitor resources like CPU, memory and disk utilization. The success of any IT initiative these days is measured based on user experience. Irrespective of the type of application in question – whether email, Citrix/VDI, SAP, web application – application availability and response time are key measures of user experience. Application outages not only affect users, they can also impact the business.

AWS Lambda With Ruby: A Complete Getting Started Guide

It’s five o’clock on a Friday afternoon. There are no new bug reports and everything is looking smooth. Your plan of a relaxing weekend is in sight when you get a call—the website you look after isn’t responding. Yikes. AWS Lambda minimizes the chance of this truly terrifying event from happening by taking care of server maintenance while you focus on coding robust applications.

How do I lower my ping in gaming?

When gaming online, your “ping” refers to the time it takes for any input from your mouse, keyboard, or controller to register with the server that is hosting your game. Ping rate is measured in milliseconds and anything below or around 20ms is ideal, however, even slight increases above this can result in noticeable differences. Even with a ping rate of around 100ms, games are still playable, but where you will start seeing significant delays is around 150ms.

How Big Data and Log management work hand in hand

As Stephen Marsland once said, “if data had mass, the earth would be a black hole.” A vast part of the immense amount of structured and unstructured data that we call “Big Data” is nothing but machine-originated log data. Logs are generated for a lot of different purposes – from security to debugging and troubleshooting. They constitute a gold mine of useful information and actionable insights if properly stored, managed, and analyzed.

Serverless Data Processing with AWS Step Functions, Part II.

Back in Part I of Deploying a Serverless Data Processing Workflow with AWS Step Functions, Nuatu mentioned one key benefit of using step functions is their visibility into business critical workflows. Outside stakeholders, support staff, and other engineers can look at a state machine execution in AWS or Stackery, and can easily understand the process.

Kubernetes issues and solutions

Hi all! I am a part of the architecture team at Avito.ru, one of the world’s top classifieds (read more about Avito here). In this post I want to share our experience in implementing kubernetes at scale. Kubernetes is a powerful orchestration tool that helps us manage dozens of microservices, support robust and fast deploy. It’s really cool that we don’t have to manage resources manually, think about service discovery and so on.

LaborDuty: Incident Response For Baby's Arrival

Real-time operations is a term PagerDuty uses to describe the process in which people can acknowledge, communicate, resolve, and learn from impactful events—all in real time. What can be a more impactful and real time than the miracle of childbirth? Whether it’s your first or fifth child, things don’t always go as planned, but the experience also generally comes with a good story filled with hindsight.

Why Your Cloud Costs Might Be so High-and What to Do About It

Recent headlines surrounding big-name IPOs, such as that of Slack and Lyft, have highlighted the very real costs of operating in the cloud. Companies like these are on the hook to pay AWS and other public cloud vendors tens or hundreds of millions of dollars every year, just to run their services.

BigPanda Drives AIOps with AppDynamics

AppDynamics recently announced its new Integration Partner Program, and BigPanda is proud to be an inaugural member. The ten select members of the program have all strategically integrated with AppDynamics in support of its AIOps-focused vision, based on Cisco’s Central Nervous System for IT. We’ve been partnering with AppDynamics for quite some time now, and our inclusion in the partner program is both a natural evolution and an endorsement of our leadership in IT Operations and AIOps.