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How To Properly Protect Your Intelectual Property On The Internet

It is no secret that the internet has become a breeding ground for piracy and intellectual property theft. With just a few clicks, anyone can find themselves in possession of copyrighted material that they did not pay for. This has serious implications for businesses and individuals who rely on their intellectual property to generate income. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your intellectual property on the internet. By understanding how intellectual property theft works and taking measures to prevent it, you can safeguard your hard work and creativity.

How DORA will impact incident management at financial entities

The Digital Finance Strategy is a European directive that aims to support and develop digital finance in Europe whilst maintaining financial stability and consumer protection. There are three main components to the package: In this blog post, we’ll attempt to summarise the 113-page DORA proposal, highlighting how it will apply to incident management at financial entities.

MSP Regulations: What legislation exists today and what's on the horizon

Any mature industry, at some point, will be regulated by local, state, or federal laws. Restaurants did not always have to have food safety inspections. Gas stations did not always have to have pumps calibrated and certified. Vehicles have not always required seat belts. As a society, we are well served by these regulations that help keep us safe and protect consumer interests.

An Easy Guide To Understanding Electronic Payments Law

How can you tell if a company is legitimate? How do you know that the person on the other end of an email is who they say they are? What happens if your bank mistakenly blocks one of your payments, or charges you fees for no reason? Electronic Payments Law provides answers to these questions and more. The law overlaps with many others in this area-contracts law, criminal law, and tax law-but as it relates to electronic payment systems it has its own set of rules.

Platform.sh implements new EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

On June 4, 2021, the EU Commission released two new contract templates, both labeled Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). The first template is for standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors under Article 28 of the GDPR, and its adoption is optional. The second template is for module-based standard contractual clauses for personal data transfers to non-adequate countries, and its adoption is required. With GDPR compliance as our top priority, Platform.sh has adopted both.

You've Achieved GDPR Compliance-Now What?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Most of us remember the months and weeks leading up to the deadline. We did whatever needed to be done to achieve compliance. Now it seems like a distant memory. And the pressure is mostly off. But in other ways, it was just the beginning. As you continue creating your day-to-day compliance strategy, you might find that the tactics that got you to the finish line were more short-term solutions that won’t necessarily stand long-term.

Three countries, outside the European Community, that are reforming their privacy policies

Are you not a little curious? Even a little bit, right under your chin or your temple about how they deal with privacy policies in other countries? Aren’t you? Well, surprise! Today, in Pandora FMS blog, we are going to get it out of our system by discussing how they do it, how they deal with the protection of international data and privacy, in at least three countries outside the European Community.

Key takeaways from the U.S. executive order on cybersecurity

On May 12, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order calling on federal agencies to improve their cybersecurity practices. Following the recent SolarWinds and Colonial Pipeline attacks, it is clear that security incidents can severely impact the economy and civilians' day-to-day lives and that cybersecurity needs to be a high-priority issue. We encourage you to read the full executive order.