Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

How to

How to Monitor Services

Learn how to add a Service Monitor to your monitored server in PA Server Monitor. The Service Monitor watches the same system services that can be seen from the Administrator Tools Services applet (services.msc). If a service is not running, actions are fired (which could notify you and/or restart the service for example). The Restart Service action is typically attached to this monitor.

Metrics with OpenTelemetry - Stack Doctor

In the last episode, we showed you how to use OpenTelemetry for tracing to gauge how requests traverse your service. In this episode of Stack Doctor, we show you how to use OpenTelemetry’s metric function, allowing you to define the metrics you want to capture and improve the observability of your Node.js application.

Go Big With Pseudo-Versions and GoCenter

Go modules have helped bring order to Go development, but there’s been some disorder lurking. Managing module pseudo-versions can be difficult, especially with some of the latest changes to Go. JFrog GoCenter, the free repository of versioned Go modules, now includes some important updates that can help you stay on course. Let’s take a look at how pseudo-versions work, and what you can expect from those changes. We also offer some guidance on keeping your Go builds working as you upgrade to Go 1.13 and later.

Using the Beacon API

Users are so annoying! There they go, leaving the page before we can save the data to the API. Back in the old days, we would attach a `window.unload` handler and try to send an AJAX request, but this was slow and unreliable. Enter the Beacon API to give us a better way. The Beacon provides a reliable way to send a small amount of data *after* the page has been unloaded. It's not bound to the lifetime of the page and it doesn't slow down the user.