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Going deep on UUIDs and ULIDs

The other day the HB team was chatting and Ben, our dev-ops master, mentioned that he wished he'd used ULIDs instead of UUIDs for a particular system. Like any seasoned engineer, my reaction was to mumble something non-committal then sneak over to Google to try to figure out what the hell a ULID is. Two hours later I emerged with a thousand-yard stare and the realization that the world of unique identifiers is larger and more wondrous than I ever could have imagined.

What is an API for? Let's find out all about it

So, when someone talks to you about APIs, do you still think it refers to Blas’ inseparable partner in Sesame Street? then you may have a little problem with technology. No one will ever mess with you again for this. But you must be careful. The explanation will be as educational and entertaining as those of the mythical Epi and Blas. Therefore, let’s answer this question: What is an api for?

Can Your Big Data Company Forego Anomaly Detection?

While enterprise leaders are constantly looking to innovate, there’s one area where “business as usual” should be a focus — spotting anomalies in your data. When it comes to time series data, “business as usual” is the baseline or expected behavior of the KPIs you track. Any unexpected deviations in those patterns can be classified as anomalies. However it’s important to keep in mind that anomalies can be either negative or positive.

Welcoming Slack to the Healthcare Industry

If you’re like me, you’re pleased to learn that Slack Technologies is expanding its exceptional service to the healthcare industry and is ready to meet the sector’s HIPAA requirements. For healthcare pros, physicians and organizations, this means that they can use Slack’s mobile app and desktop platform to securely share PHI and other sensitive medical records—this is huge news for the industry!

Aha - Project Management Roadmaps for Effective Business Solutions

Launched in 2013, today Aha is one of the fastest developing product roadmap and marketing planning applications in the world. The company offers exhaustive road mapping facilities alongside project organization, which clients can utilize to the maximum. Once the association is made, Aha works with companies on projects right from their conceptualization to a successful launch.