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14 Alternatives to Monitis for Ping and Web Monitoring

Monitis, once a stand alone monitoring solution, has become Teamviewer Web Monitoring. If you don’t like or don’t need the changes offered you may be looking for alternatives to Monitis. Monitoring is integral to your growing suite of web and application monitoring, and it can be difficult to find a replacement that will do everything you need in one software.

Runbooks: What They Are and Why You Need One Yesterday

Let’s talk about The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and how it relates to DevOps. The game tasks our hero with finding three pendants, which unlock a Master Sword he can use to travel to an alternate realm and ultimately take down the bad guy. The US version of this SNES masterpiece came packaged with a fairly detailed instruction manual that contained an optional guide at the end to help locate the three pendants.

Observability vs. Monitoring: Analysis of the Divide

There is an idea of the relationship between observability and monitoring, that they complement each other in an inseparable way. While true that you can only monitor a system that is observable, the line dividing observability and monitoring grows narrower with every deployment you make; making these two practices less of a pairing and more a single entity.

Preparing to Fail Fast so You can Recover Faster

The principle of fail fast is either the best thing since the transistor or nothing but hot air. It depends on the size of your organization and the cohesiveness of your teams. If your team members have a strong working relationship, and dev is well integrated with everyday work company-wide, you already have a good foundation for this particular agile thinking. Most companies that have grown beyond startup-size, and even some startups, may find this idea a bit jarring.

Dispelling 7 SLA Myths That Keep Your DevOps Awake at Night

DevOps fits this odd niche between development and oversight. Like any “Wild West” type of position, pretty much anything goes. Your job is to think of everything including the stuff you haven’t thought of yet. You make the rules, and as long as the lights are on you’re considered a success. But alongside that freedom come the rumors and SLA myths that inspire such dread that you write them off as jokes.

Website Performance in 2021: What's Black and White and Read All Over?

Speed and function. Two words to live by when analyzing and optimizing your site, but 2021 comes with the need for an additional word: accessibility. From color blind accessibility in your UI, to increasingly detailed SLAs and speed requirements, where should you be spending your valuable resources to keep your competitive edge? Welcome to the future where, Time is Money, is relevant down to the millisecond.

Is Alert Fatigue Hindering Your DevOps Work?

This year, you tell yourself, you are going to be prepared! You will arm yourself with a new status page, and create web monitoring for every important service in your arsenal. Like the proverbial Eye of Sauron, nothing will escape your omnipotence. But too many tools in your set can contribute to alert fatigue. Alert fatigue occurs when your team starts to feel like they are always on call. They might already secretly feel this way.