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Logz.io Teams up with AWS to Expand Global Access to AI-Driven Machine Data Analysis

Boston and Tel Aviv–July 19, 2018–Logz.io, the leading provider of AI-powered log analysis, announces the release of its intelligent log analysis platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. The Logz.io platform is the first and only ELK solution offered on the AWS Marketplace, giving AWS customers worldwide access to powerful capabilities for extracting actionable insights from machine data.

Runtime container security - How to implement open source container security (part 1).

Container security is top-of-mind for any organization adopting Docker and Kubernetes, and this open source security guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to learn how to implement a complete open source container security stack for Docker and Kubernetes.

AI and Machine Learning in Your Organization

Digital transformation has led to complex environments that continuously generate new data. As a result, organizations are left unsure about how to best use their data to foster growth and edge out the competition. It's not enough to just have mountains of data, it needs to be analyzed and made sense of in a way that best suits the business.

The real-time journey from raw streaming data to AI-based analytics

Roy Ben-Alta, solution architect and principal business development manager at Amazon Web Services, and Anodot’s Chief Data Scientist Dr. Ira Cohen present various design patterns and share a solution implemented using Amazon Kinesis as a real-time event data processing pipeline that feeds Anodot’s AI-based analytics service, discovering and alerting on the anomalies in the data in real time and helping you avoid costly business incidents.

Using AI analytics to detect real-time application issues

Anodot’s Solutions Engineer and AI specialist, Steven Kirkpatrick, presents how leading gaming companies are leveraging the powerful anomaly detection capabilities of Anodot’s AI Analytics to proactively address business incidents in real time, minimizing revenue loss and identifying opportunities.