Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Deliver exception messages through Slack and Webhooks for fast resolution

Building new applications is a lot of fun, but troubleshooting and fixing the crashes that can come with app development is not. While many organizations are fast adopting the DevOps model, there are still some legacy frameworks where developers and operations teams are separate. Developers build and submit apps to their ops team, who in turn deploy and maintain the production stack. A common issue that arises due to this workflow is the time it takes to find and resolve crashes.

Heartbeat check and more - is your monitoring still alive?

SIGNL4 is a cloud-based mobile alerting and incident response service. Third-party systems like monitoring tools, control systems or IoT sensors detect abnormalities and transmit events to SIGNL4 over the Internet. What if your systems cannot transmit critical events anymore? That might happen when the Internet is down or when the tool itself has a problem. In this case, SIGNL4 would miss critical events and could not turn them into alert notifications to your IT admins, technicians and experts.

Add severity levels to your alert policies in Cloud Monitoring

When you are dealing with a situation that fires a bevy of alerts, do you instinctively know which alerts are the most pressing? Severity levels are an important concept in alerting to aid you and your team in properly assessing which notifications should be prioritized. You can use these levels to focus on the issues deemed most critical for your operations and triage through the noise.

Zenduty iOS and Android v3.0

We constantly update the platform to provide the best-in-class experience to our users. These updates are not something that we feel is right for the client; these updates are based on the user data, behavior, and requests that our users provide. We are always excited to bring new updates and share them with people but this one is special! We bring to you Zenduty iOS and Android v3.0!