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The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.

Pytest: Getting started with automated testing for Python

Testing Python applications is critical to ensuring they function as intended in real-world scenarios. Among the numerous testing frameworks available for Python, pytest stands out as a primary choice for many developers. Renowned for its straightforward yet powerful features, pytest makes writing and running tests efficient and effective. In this guide, we’ll explore how to get started with pytest, from installation to writing your first tests.

Creating Temporary Preview Environments Based On Pull Requests With Argo CD And Codefresh

In our big guide for Kubernetes deployments, we explained the benefits of using dynamic environments for testing. The general idea is that each developer gets a preview environment instead of having a fixed number of testing/QA environments. The environment gets created on the fly when you open a pull request. Typically, it gets destroyed when you merge the pull request (or after a specific amount of time).

Merging to Main: Navigating Success with DORA with Paul O'Reilly & Nathen Harvey (Episode 2)

I am Paul O’Reilly, the Global Customer Advocate here at Codefresh. Join me to meet all sorts of awesome people as we explore topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others! During this session we are live with Nathen Harvey, DORA Lead and Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, discussing all things DORA Metrics. Here are the resources mentioned in the webinar: Thank you for watching!

How to Connect the JFrog Platform to Your GitHub Environment to Create a Seamless Integration

The latest JFrog collaboration with GitHub enables you to easily combine your favorite solutions for source code and binaries in a seamless integration. This means you now have a unified comprehensive and secure end-to-end experience that supports your software projects. This integration covers everything from curating open source packages, coding, CI, release management, deployment and production. Including three major improvements to your developer experience.

CI/CD: The Key to Accelerating Software Development and Delivery

The CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline stands as a pivotal tool in modern software development. It comprises a sequence of automated steps essential for delivering updated software versions seamlessly. CI/CD pipelines are pivotal in enhancing software delivery across the development lifecycle through automation.

What is a DevOps engineer? A look inside the role

DevOps engineers play a vital role in modern software organizations, helping to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. DevOps is a cultural and technical approach that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). DevOps engineers are responsible for implementing and supporting these practices to improve efficiency, enhance software quality, and accelerate delivery times.

Provide full context to reviewers by including pipeline artifacts within the pull request

The code insights functionality in Bitbucket Cloud provides a variety of reports, annotations, and metrics to help your team have full context during the code review process. With code insights, you can automatically have artifacts such as static analysis reports, security scan results, artifact links, unit test results, and build status updates appear in your pull request screen so reviewers have access to all reports and statuses before they approve the code change.

Zero Trust Pipelines with OIDC, Cloudsmith, and GitHub Actions

In CI/CD workflows, leaked credentials pose a significant threat, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and system compromises, ultimately disrupting development pipelines and undermining the integrity of software deployment processes.