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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

How to create and manage Kubernetes clusters the easy way with Rancher 2.0 - Online Training

Need to set up and run Kubernetes on different cloud providers, import existing clusters, monitor and check the health of your clusters and deploy your applications in production? This training will introduce you to the steps and concepts needed to do all those tasks with Kubernetes and Rancher 2.0.

Container Logging & DevOps: The Future of Kubernetes Integration

With the transition to containers and Kubernetes well underway the need to view and monitor your application performance has never been greater. There are several different ways to implement a logging solution within a container based infrastructure. From security and compliance to on-prem vs hybrid there are many important factors to consider when you build out your logging infrastructure.

Announcing Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring: Comprehensive Kubernetes observability from the start

Today, we are excited to announce the beta release of Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring, which lets you observe Kubernetes in a comprehensive fashion, simplifying operations for both developers and operators.

Docker Tutorial: Get Going From Scratch

Docker is a platform for packaging, deploying, and running applications. Docker applications run in containers that can be used on any system: a developer’s laptop, systems on premises, or in the cloud. Containerization is a technology that’s been around for a long time, but it’s seen new life with Docker. It packages applications as images that contain everything needed to run them: code, runtime environment, libraries, and configuration.

Comparing Kubernetes Services on AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

Containers are portable assets that let you design and deploy with little overhead from your development team. They take your monolithic code base and turn it into several lightweight modules that you can more easily manage and interconnect without worry of one small module taking out your entire application. This gives you more granular control of your code, but it also means that you have several moving parts as part of your platform.