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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

How to monitor Kubernetes + Docker with Datadog

Since Kubernetes was open sourced by Google in 2014, it has steadily grown in popularity to become nearly synonymous with Docker orchestration. Kubernetes is being widely adopted by forward-thinking organizations such as Box and GitHub for a number of reasons: its active community, rapid development, and of course its ability to schedule, automate, and manage distributed applications on dynamic container infrastructure.

Integration Testing with Service Containers Webinar

Docker Compose is great for local development, but an effective CI/CD pipeline will also need to execute integration tests after a commit is pushed. The easiest way to bring up extra services for integration testing (such as a database or a message queue) is by launching them alongside the main pipeline! In this webinar, you will see how easy is to launch multiple Docker containers in a single pipeline step, complete with health checks and service dependencies.

What is DevOps?

Digitalization is sweeping across many industries, creating a huge need for innovation. This innovation forces companies to be more agile and deliver faster. However, increasing the speed of your development team doesn’t happen by magic. It’s a metric that isn’t easy to change. How can you adjust to this fast-paced digitalization? I want to introduce you to DevOps.

Could You Be the DevOps Evangelist We're Looking For?

Have you ever been in charge of your company’s observability stack? Does the pain of implementing, configuring, scaling, and maintaining (oh, and correlating the data between) various monitoring, troubleshooting, and security tools resonate with you? If so, you might be our next tech evangelist – our next DevOps Evangelist!

AIOps: The New Fix for Tool Bloat

AIOps is a new solution to an age-old problem: How do I stop my team from going insane managing 15 million different tool consoles? The tool bloat problem is not new for anyone who has been in this business for more than a minute. In the old days, when IT teams were comprised of specialists in servers, storage, networking, databases and so forth, each group of specialists had a favored tool set that showed them how their little patch of the world was functioning.

First Impressions of 'Managed K3s'

The k3s project was started by Darren Shepherd, Chief Architect at Rancher 7 months ago and has already become one of the most popular Kubernetes options on the CNCF Landscape by number of GitHub stars. To put this into context, k3s is more popular than OpenShift by IBM/Red Hat and only Rancher Kubernetes itself is more popular than k3s. Now stars are indicative of interest and popularity only and that should be noted.

What is AWS S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service, widely known as Amazon S3, is a highly scalable, fast, and durable solution for object-level storage of any data type. Unlike the operating systems we are all used to, Amazon S3 does not store files in a file system, instead it stores files as objects. Object Storage allows users to upload files, videos, and documents like you were to upload files, videos, and documents to popular cloud storage products like Dropbox and Google Drive.