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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Up and Running: Windows Containers With Rancher 2.3 and Terraform

Windows Support went GA for Kubernetes in version 1.14 and represented years of work. This has been the effort of excellent engineers from companies including Microsoft, Pivotal, VMWare, RedHat, and the now-defunct Apprenda, among others. I’ve been a lurker and occasional contributor to the sig-windows community going back to my days with Apprenda, and I’ve continued to follow it in my current role with Rancher Labs.

Java Profilers: Why You Need These 3 Different Types

Debugging performance issues in production can be a pain and, in some cases, impossible without the right tools. Java profilers have been around forever, but the profilers most developers think about are only one type: standard JVM profilers. However, using one type of profiler is not enough. Suppose you’re analyzing your application’s performance. There are multiple profiling activities which you may execute.

Crafting the perfect Java Docker build flow

What is the bare minimum you need to build, test and run your Java application in Docker container? The recipe: Create a separate Docker image for each step and optimize the way you are running it. I started working with Java in 1998, and for a long time, it was my main programming language. It was a long love–hate relationship. During my work career, I wrote a lot of code in Java. Despite that fact, I don’t think Java is usually the right choice for microservices.

Helm 3: Navigating to Distant Shores

Since its initial debut 5 years ago Kubernetes has grown up quite a bit, but one thing hasn’t changed: writing Kubernetes manifest files from scratch is hard. In fact, it’s borderline discouraging for new users looking to use the defacto container orchestrator. Thus, the need for a package manager was born: Helm. Helm is almost as old as Kubernetes (it’s about 4 years) old and Helm 2 is a merger of two code bases, which made for some interesting ways of approaching even the most basic of security concerns (say, RBAC for instance). If you’re familiar with Helm you already know how useful it is, but there are features you’d like added, some updates you’ve wished for, and a major component you’d like removed: Tiller.

Enterprise-Grade DevOps Solutions for a Start Up Budget

Even though you’re a small startup or medium-sized business and just beginning your product journey, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a robust and scalable DevOps environment like the Enterprise experts. It is always a good practice when building a startup or a new company to have a solid foundation and start implementing efficient and scalable solutions early. Join and learn how having a limited budget doesn’t mean you can’t have Enterprise quality tools. Hosted by DevOps.com

Console Connect by PCCW Global Case Study | Hong Kong Tourism Board

Console Connect by PCCW Global is dedicated to helping broadcasting organisations overcome the barriers and complexity of connecting their business critical applications. See how we enabled Hong Kong Tourism Board to scale up and down on-demand easily and how the benefits of Console Connect allowed them to attract the best talent and increase an ever wider audience. VR and higher resolutions mean more bandwidth and lower latency for the wider ecosystem of broadcasters and streaming organizations and Console Connect is here to support you.

Chaos Engineering for ITOps

Chaos engineering (CE) is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. This approach is becoming commonplace in software development and operations (DevOps) practices. But how would its application extend to ITOps? CE for ITOps offers a similar framework for stress-testing a technology platform to understand its weak points and performance pitfalls under heavy pressure.