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Xray 2.10 Released: New Package Support, an IDE Plugin and More.

Our user community spoke and we listened. You asked for Xray to be even more universal and support more package types… in particular Go and PHP Composer. With Visual Studio Code (VSCode) now having more than 4.5 million monthly active users, we also added a new VSCode plugin for Xray. This broad adoption of multiple programming languages and package types across organizations, is driving up the need for a more universal DevSecOps solution supporting more package types.

The first rule about technical debt - never talk about technical debt

Have you ever been frustrated that your warnings and opinions on technical debt are going unheard? Or you’ve felt pushed to deploy code and software updates that are either not ready, or will cause your team more headaches than other stakeholders appreciate? You’re not alone. Whether you are building an early-stage startup or working at a vast 20-year-old monolith, technical debt mounts as you make changes and deploy new functionality.

Deploying the ELK Stack on Kubernetes with Helm

ELK and Kubernetes are used in the same sentence usually in the context of describing a monitoring stack. ELK integrates natively with Kubernetes and is a popular open-source solution for collecting, storing and analyzing Kubernetes telemetry data. However, ELK and Kubernetes are increasingly being used in another context — that of a method for deploying and managing the former.

Kubernetes Master Class: Managing SQL Servers with Kubernetes

Enterprises interested in modernizing SQL Server with Kubernetes are often challenged by dependencies on Active Directory and Windows Auth, storage networks, and other SQL Server infrastructure and security policies. The introduction of Windows Server for Kubernetes offers little to address these needs.

Virtual Instruments Enhances VirtualWisdom Offerings for Simplified Channel Deployments

Virtana, the leader in hybrid infrastructure management for mission-critical workloads, today announced a wide range of new channel-focused features in the latest version of VirtualWisdom, the industry’s most comprehensive hybrid IT infrastructure management and AIOps platform. The new features include the introduction of WisdomPacks,simplified packages of integrations specific to customer deployment environments.

Startup CTO: How to Onboard a New Software

Once you’ve hired a software engineer, it’s easy to feel like the recruiting process is over. However, the first few days and weeks of your new engineer’s experience are critical to their long term success and happiness at your startup. In this last part of our series on hiring software engineers as the CTO of a startup, we’ll talk about how we onboard software engineers at Blue Matador and the insights I’ve gained in this part of the CTO experience.

Introduction to the Integration Module for EasyVista

The Kelverion Integration Module for EasyVista provides a powerful integration capability for writing Azure Automation runbooks as well as being usable in PowerShell scripts. Using Kelverion smart discovery the Integration Module interrogates EasyVista and discovers how it has been configured providing a forms based view of the tables, fields, properties and allowed inputs for mandatory and optional fields. This significantly reduces the complexity of integration and level of knowledge required of APIs and EasyVista configuration, simplifying the process of building and supporting automation runbooks.

Calling Codefresh pipelines from Github actions

At Codefresh we are all about collaboration and reusing existing standards instead of implementing proprietary solutions. A Codefresh pipeline is based on a series of Docker containers that act as individual steps. All Codefresh plugins are also just Docker images which means that extending a Codefresh pipeline is the same thing as writing a Dockerfile. Github has recently announced an integrated automation solution called Actions.