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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Kubernetes Adoption Hastens in EMEA

Containers - and Kubernetes - are now a key part of enterprise growth strategy across EMEA. We can see this not only as usage of Rancher grows, but also as the popularity of our local Lighthouse Events increases. In Northern EMEA particularly, the appetite for Kubernetes is accelerating rapidly. How are companies in this region capitalising on Kubernetes?

15 hours writing CloudFormation reduced to 15 minutes with Stackery

ServerlessConf NY this past October was an important milestone for those of us tracking how software is built on cloud services. . We’ve seen the serverless talks evolve from “what is serverless” to “I built a weird thing” to “We built a new business” to “We refactored a legacy app and kickstarted our feature velocity.” We’ll come back to those last two soon, , but I want to highlight some points from one in particular by Tim Wagner.

Longhorn Accepted into CNCF

Today I am very excited to announce that Rancher Labs’ Project Longhorn has been accepted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a sandbox project. Many Kubernetes users still find it challenging to run stateful workloads and manage persistent storage. Longhorn aims to help you manage stateful workloads in Kubernetes by providing a solution for persistent storage that you can easily deploy, use, and manage.

Monitoring Amazon RDS with Blue Matador

Amazon RDS allows you to easily run databases in AWS without actually having to manage database servers. Since your databases are critical to the health of your application, properly monitoring RDS is a top priority for most teams. In this blog post, we will go over how Blue Matador monitors RDS automatically and without configuration.

Kubernetes Master Class Windows Container Networking in Rancher 2 3

In this session of the Kubernetes Master Class Series, we will cover the networking internals of Windows Server worker nodes and Windows Server Containers. The focus will be on the supported networking configurations with Flannel and Rancher 2.3. We will also cover differences between Linux and Windows networking and how to get started with troubleshooting issues that may arise.

dcTrack 7.0 ServiceNow Integration

See how easy it is to integrate ServiceNow with Sunbird's dcTrack software. dcTrack integrates easily with your existing management systems, such as ticket systems, CMDB, or asset systems to help you manage assets, change requests, and work orders more accurately. Start tracking the real-time status of all work activities and improve the productivity and efficiency of data center operations staff today.

dcTrack 7.0 Asset Management

Sunbird’s dcTrack DCIM Operations software provides data center asset management that’s fast, easy, and complete. Get actionable insights from zero-configuration dashboards and reports, see details for every asset in your data center, visually search for assets on your 3D floor map, create secure, shareable views for data collaboration, automatically create cabinet elevations, and more!

dcTrack Visualization

See your entire data center floor with Sunbird's DCIM software. Quickly view cabinet capacity reports ( space, weight, power, inlet temperatures), cabinet elevations and equipment names (text and images), and use the cabinet inspector to see cabinet level details. 3D visualizations allow you to rotate, pan and zoom your entire data center floor, isolate and view a row of cabinets, see sensor readings, and even view cabinet details with x-ray vision. Thermal map details allow you to view the top, middle and bottom of cabinets and help you manage your data center easier and faster.

The Hidden Costs of Big Data on AWS

IDC predicts a ten-fold increase in data by 2025, which should surprise just about no one. We are all producing more and more data every day—more data than ever before, with no slowdown in sight. Recently we joined forces with our friends over at CHAOSSEARCH to deliver a webinar on the topic of Big Data Done Right—How to Spend Less While You Store & Analyze More. In this webcast, we discussed some best practices around big data storage, transfer, and access.