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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates at Velocity Berlin 2019

So, you want to update the software for your user, be it the nodes in your K8s cluster, a browser on user’s desktop, an app in user’s smartphone or even a user’s car. What can possibly go wrong? In this talk, we’ll analyze real-world software update fails and how multiple DevOps patterns, that fit a variety of scenarios, could have saved the developers. Manually making sure that everything works before sending an update and expecting the user to do acceptance tests before they update is most definitely not on the list of such patterns.

Rancher Labs Industry Survey Shows Rapid Adoption of Containers and Kubernetes, But Challenges Remain

To get an accurate picture of the current state of Kubernetes deployments, Rancher Labs recently conducted an industry survey that included 1,106 respondents from large and small enterprises across a broad range of more than 25 industries, including technology, financial services, telecom, education, government and healthcare. The respondents were almost evenly split among EMEA and North America and included both Rancher and non-Rancher users.

Meet Root Cause Changes from BigPanda - IT Ops, NOC and DevOps Teams' Best friend For Supporting Fast-Moving IT Stacks

TL;DR: Fast-moving IT stacks see frequent, long and painful outages. Thousands of changes – planned, unplanned and shadow changes – are one of the main reasons behind this. Until now, IT Ops, NOC & DevOps teams didn’t have an easy way to get a real-time answer to the “What Changed?” question – the answer that can help reduce the duration of outages and incidents in these fast-moving IT stacks. Now, with BigPanda Root Cause Changes, they do.

Persistent Storage with Portworx on Kubernetes

To remain competitive in today's fast-paced, digital world, your business needs to adopt technologies that enable you to innovate and scale. Kubernetes is quickly becoming the choice solution for teams looking to deliver modern cloud native applications while decreasing cost and optimizing resources. However, learning and managing Kubernetes while navigating the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) landscape of tools can be a significant challenge.

Spiceworks research reveals storage, network, desktop, and server virtualization trends

There's no doubt that over the last decade, virtualization technology drastically altered server rooms around the world. Server virtualization has improved IT efficiency while allowing for greater flexibility and redundancy, quickly jumping from a niche technology to one that's used by the vast majority of businesses. With server virtualization now ubiquitous, many businesses are now turning to other forms of virtualization to reap similar IT benefits.

How to Create an Azure Monitor Alert

Azure Monitor gathers performance metrics from your various Azure resources and allows you to explore those metrics through visualizations. It also allows you to manually create alerts that will notify you when a metric crosses a predefined threshold. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to create an alert in Azure Monitor.

We're Honored: Bank of America Recognizes JFrog for Enterprise DevOps Innovation

Being innovative is like being handsome. It only counts when others think so. When Bank of America honors you for being innovative and improving how their 30,000 developers perform, it’s a very handsome compliment. At the 11th Bank of America Technology Innovation Summit, JFrog was recognized for industrial leadership and excellence in providing global business solutions. This year, JFrog was one of only two technology companies honored for its strong partnership with the firm.