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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Authentication and Authorization for multiple Kubernetes clusters with Rancher

A Kubernetes cluster is a collection of resources running across multiple nodes. Managing these resources also entails granting and controlling users' access to them. Different teams could be running their applications on the same cluster. Configuring RBAC is essential when it comes to such multi-tenant setups. Grouping resources into namespaces and giving certain teams access to them is a good start. Rancher leverages this to more effectively group the cluster's resources into larger subsets called projects.

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week Four: Intro to SES with Serverless

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cloud-based email sending service designed to help digital marketers and application developers send marketing, notification, and transactional emails. This introductory course will teach you the basics of setting up a serverless SES while sharpening the skills you learned in the Wild Rydes workshop.

And Then There Were Three -- IBM, VMWare, and Rancher

When we started Rancher in 2014, our vision was to enable enterprise IT to procure and utilize computing resources (“cattle”) from any infrastructure provider. We were extremely lucky to be able to leverage wonderful technologies like Kubernetes which made computing resources consistent across all infrastructure providers.

Clear Skies Ahead: The Importance of Clarity in Network and Systems Management

I fly a lot. Mercifully, not as much as your typical road warrior type, but enough where I’ve developed a routine on travel days. If it’s a good weather day, then I’ll hear the pilot announce, “We’ll be cruising at 33,000 ft. and expect clear skies all the way to our destination.” And if there’s lots of clouds? There’s auto-pilot, air traffic control and radar available to do some of the heavy lifting. That got me to thinking.

Controlling the Chaos @Gartner Catalyst, San Diego 2019

Gartner Catalyst Conference 2019 is consistently a great venue for learning, sharing, and connecting. OpsRamp was a silver sponsor at this year’s event and our seven-member contingent had a wonderful time meeting with industry thought leaders, demoing OpsRamp to senior IT executives, and having fun in the streets of San Diego. In this post, I will summarize the most interesting themes that stood out from the conference keynotes and sessions, as well as other key takeaways from the week.

Serverless vs. Containers: What's the Same, What's Different?

Containers and serverless computing are two of today’s hottest technologies for application deployment. When used the right way, they both help DevOps teams to deploy applications faster and more cost-effectively. Although the features of containers and serverless architectures overlap in some respects, they are not interchangeable technologies. Containers work better for some use cases, while in others, serverless is what you need.