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Kubernetes, Data Science and Machine Learning

Enabling support for data processing, data analytics, and machine learning workloads in Kubernetes has been one of the goals of the open-source community. During this meetup, we’ll discuss the growing use of Kubernetes for data science and machine learning workloads. We’ll examine how new Kubernetes extensibility features such as custom resources and custom controllers are used for applications and frameworks integration. Apache Spark 2.3.’s native support is the latest indication of this growing trend. We’ll demo a few examples of data science workloads running on Kubernetes clusters setup by our Kublr platform.

How to Monitor Syslog Data with Sumo Logic

If you are reading this article, you’re probably familiar with syslog, a logging tool that has been around since the 1980s. It is a daemon present in most Linux-based operating systems. By default, syslog (and variants like rsyslog) on Linux systems can be used to forward logs to central syslog servers or monitoring platforms where further analysis can be conducted. That’s useful, but to make the very most of syslog, you also want to be able to analyze log data.

Sentry's Internal Integrations: Build internal tools that fit your workflow

Sentry helps developer teams build the most reliable software. Our help often manifests in two distinct forms: resolving issues in your product and ensuring that issue resolution fits seamlessly into existing workflows. We recently launched our Integration Platform, which allows developers to build publicly available tools on top of Sentry. For the launch, we built many new features, while also making it easier to use existing ones.

Dev How You Want. Run Where You Want: Application Portability with Kubernetes

Containers and Kubernetes allow for code portability across on-premise VMs, bare metal or multiple cloud provider environments. Yet, despite this portability promise, developers may include configuration and application definitions that constrain or even eliminate application portability. In this online meetup Oleg Chunikhin, CTO at Kublr, describes best practices for “configuration as code” in a Kubernetes environment. He demonstrates how a properly constructed containerized app can be deployed to both Amazon and Azure using the Kublr platform, and how Kubernetes objects, such as persistent volumes, ingress rules, and services, can be used to abstract from the infrastructure.

NGINX LOGS - Full Guide 2020: Monitoring, Analyzing and Troubleshooting Your NGINX Logs

Life is about making choices: Coke or Pepsi? Beatles or Stones? Mac or PC? In the world of web servers, the choice used to be between open-source Apache and Microsoft’s IIS. Back in 2004, when everybody had lost interest in the World Wide Web, an upstart web server appeared out of nowhere. Now, just over fifteen years later, NGINX has been rapidly rising in popularity and currently has a 30.8% of the webserver market compared to Apache’s 44.1%.

Step by Step guide on how to update to SCCM 1906

Hi all, Microsoft has just recently released their latest iteration to SCCM, version 1906. With this update of SCCM comes quite a few welcome features and to find out more go to this link on the Microsoft site. But you are here to see how easy it is to upgrade your SCCM to the current branche 1906. So let’s get started on the upgrade process for SCCM 1906.