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Monitor Harbor container registry with Datadog

Harbor, developed by VMware and hosted by the CNCF, is an open source registry for container images and Helm charts. Hosting Harbor within your infrastructure gives you a number of advantages over using the default Docker registry, such as role-based access control, security scanning, and replication of resources between registry instances. Since a failed Harbor deployment can spell trouble for your containerized workloads, monitoring your self-hosted container registry is critical.

Introduction to the Integration Module for VMware vSphere

The Integration Module for VMware vSphere provides a set of ready built activities for integrating with vSphere from within Azure Automation and the Kelverion Runbook Studio. These are forms driven activities which allow you to define interactions with vSphere without having to write any PowerShell code. When the Integration Module is used from within the Runbook Studio you also get the benefit of the Smart Discovery. The IM will query to find out all the Datastores, Clusters and Hosts in that exist in vSphere.

Why Should You Containerize Applications?

A container is a type of an operating system virtualization which helps in the efficient running of applications across platforms with minimum consumption of resources. As a matter of fact, a single container can be used to run anything from necessary executables to libraries, configuration files or even basic or advanced binary codes. Containers are lightweight and portable, a major point to consider while deploying them in cloud.

Major in Serverless Confidence at Serverless Summer School!

Have you been attending Stackery’s Serverless Summer School? As a non-engineer, I’ll admit, I was a little nervous. Was it going to be over my head? Would I spend the entire Twitch stream furiously writing down all the terms I didn’t know so that I could ask about them later? Would my brain need some debugging after trying to download a bunch of information that I didn’t really get?