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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

The era of multi-cluster multi-cloud Kubernetes has arrived!

Today Google announced Anthos, a new cloud service with the ability to manage Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud providers, including AWS and Azure. This is super exciting news for Rancher. In Google Anthos, we see great alignment with Rancher’s vision. We believe Kubernetes will become the standardized infrastructure provided by all public and private clouds, and an enterprise Kubernetes platform must deliver multi-cluster, multi-cloud management.

You're Clouding - But are you Clouding Properly?

If you even partly believe Marc Andreessen’s 2011 “software is eating the world” comment, it stands to reason that companies who are good at software will be the winners in a digital world. Given this, I find it ironic that little large-scale research has gone into what it takes to be good at software.

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Everything You Need to Know

AI and ML adoption in the enterprise is exploding from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. Ubuntu is becoming the premier platform for these ambitions — from developer workstations, to racks, to clouds and to the edge with smart connected IoT. But with new developer trends comes a plethora of new technologies and terminologies to understand.

Global Serverless Apps with AWS Lambda & API Gateway

Serverless technologies are lowering the barrier to entry for global deployments with on-demand pricing and scaling. AWS’ serverless offerings are now supported in 16 regions, and with the help of Up Pro’s latest v1.2.0 release we’re going to take a look at setting up a globally distributed app to decrease latency for your customers.

Key metrics for Amazon EKS monitoring

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, or Amazon EKS, is a hosted Kubernetes platform that is managed by AWS. Put another way, EKS is Kubernetes-as-a-service, with AWS hosting and managing the infrastructure needed to make your cluster highly available across multiple availability zones. EKS is distinct from Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), which is Amazon’s proprietary container orchestration service for running and managing Docker containers.