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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Beyond IT: How to Use Jira Service Desk for Non-Technical Teams

Service desks have traditionally been used by IT and support teams. However, providing stellar service isn't limited to just those teams. From legal to marketing, managing facilities, and everything in between, teams are being bombarded and interrupted with requests.

DevOps vs. Compliance: A Guide to Having it All

Atlassian product teams use a blend of agile and DevOps practices. But there are still SOX and ISO compliance standards to meet when it comes to change management. What's a modern dev team to do? Join Guy Herbert, Atlassian's IT compliance lead as he shows how we combine peer review and build testing with a new approach to compliance in order to deliver customer value quickly while meeting our compliance obligations.

DevOps Starts by Knowing Your Numbers

If you want your DevOps initiative to take off, be prepared to provide some metrics! IT organizations that can't quantify their risk factors and exposure are likely to make investments in DevOps where it doesn’t matter. After working with several teams that lost their support for DevOps after making automation investments in areas that weren't important, Anne Hungate's “Know Your Numbers” model emerged.

Your Journey to Cloud-Native Begins with DevOps, Microservices, and Containers

Everyone is excited about cloud-native applications. And for good reason! They're scalable, resilient, portable across cloud environments, and make it easier to incorporate customer feedback quickly. But there's a catch: cloud-native applications fundamentally change the way you provision, deploy, and manage your infrastructure.

After Agile, DevOps, and Lean IT: Modern Methodology in the Age of Disruption

In an age of disruption, increasingly complex and chaotic problems demand emergent or completely novel practices. Decades-old practices no longer work, raising difficult questions about the role of management in a world being disrupted by technology.

Cultivating a high-performance culture in your software team

Chances are, you’ve had a difficult job with a difficult boss. In such a job, the environment isn’t just unpleasant, it’s demoralizing and depressing. The culture of such a team, or even an entire company, has an enormous impact on the health and wellness of its employees. You may not have been aware of it at the time, but your difficult boss was very likely dealing with the same situation. Difficult bosses often have even more demanding, difficult bosses.

Integrate Datadog with Google Hangouts Chat

In an outage, every minute counts—and real-time communication is essential for helping teams collaborate to reduce mean time to resolution. If you’re using Google Hangouts Chat as your communication platform, Datadog’s new integration allows your team to share and discuss annotated graphs, see when alerts are triggered, and instantly start collaborating to resolve issues.

Quickly Debug Your AWS Lambda Functions

Great writers use metaphors to get their point across so let me give that a try real quick. Bugs are nasty little pests, mm’key? It’s hard to get rid of them but apart of just spraying poison everywhere, there are only a few options left. One of those options is using a natural predator to those bugs, a predator like birds. So birds can help you get rid of bugs. I work for a company called Dashbird that help developers debug their AWS Lambda applications. See what I did there?