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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Better Observability with New Container Agents

If you liked Sematext Docker Agent you’ll love our new agent for Docker monitoring that provides you with even more insight into your Docker, Kubernetes, and Swarm clusters. Because of its power, small footprint, and ease of installation the old Sematext Docker Agent enjoyed high adoption by the Docker DevOps community.

DevOps & SRE: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Large organizations that wish to scale at an aggressive pace need IT departments that can be both nimble and agile. With DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE) methodologies, IT teams can improve the agility, availability and performance of applications and services in their infrastructure. For those who are new to both concepts, here is a primer on how DevOps and SRE can work together to evolve IT operations.

April 2019 Online Meetup: An Introduction to the Features of Rancher 2.2

Your Kubernetes clusters need ongoing attention to stay healthy and perform at their best. Rancher 2.2 monitors, manages, backs up, and restores Kubernetes clusters. It features new tools for controlling applications deployed across multiple clusters, plus a host of new flexibility around ongoing operations. With solutions for edge, multi-tenant, and multi-cloud clusters, Rancher eliminates redundant work, lightens the workload of operations teams, and increases the reliability of Kubernetes clusters and the applications they run.

The Business Case for Container Adoption

Developers often believe that demonstrating the need for an IT-based solution should be very easy. They should be able to point to the business problem that needs a solution, briefly explain what technology should be selected, and the funds, staff, and computer resources will be provided by the organization. Unfortunately, this is seldom the actual process that is followed.

Deploying your Applications in a Repeatable Way on Kubernetes

Helm Charts have proven to be very useful for developers looking to create repeatable deployments of their applications. Rancher, with its built in Helm interface, allows developers to deploy their applications using Helm charts. This training will go over using Rancher's pre-provisioned catalog apps, as well as demonstrate the creation of metadata for custom catalog apps to provide the Rancher questions interface to users who wish to deploy their own Helm Charts.

Docker Container Monitoring with Sematext

Everyone’s infrastructure is growing – today mostly in the container space. As we learned in Part 1 of this series – Docker Container Monitoring and Management Challenges, monitoring for containers is different from traditional server monitoring. In Part 2 we had a glance at key container metrics and in Part 3 we compared several open source tools for container monitoring.

Using Kubeless for Kubernetes Events

Serverless computing is all the rage at the moment, and why wouldn’t it be? The idea of deploying code without having to worry about anything like servers, or that pesky infrastructure everyone complains about seems pretty appealing. If you’ve ever used AWS lamdba or one of its related cousins, you’ll be able to see the freedom that triggering functions on events brings you.

Containerizing Heavy Workloads to Cloud for Enterprises

For about a year, since we incorporated CloudHedge.io and during the 18 months of product building before that, we spoke with hundreds of prospects (both partners and clients included). Our team worked directly with clients and with partners, enabling them to try the product and later on-board them. While Partners are big global SI’s, customers range between SME to Fortune 100 companies.