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What you need to know to successfully run databases in production on Kubernetes

The Kubernetes community has made significant progress when it comes to easily deploying stateful services like databases. But what happens on Day 2? Day 2 operations are all about managing an application when things go wrong: nodes fail, networks are partitioned, a CVE comes out requiring a new version of Kubernetes to be deployed and all running apps upgraded.

The Lazy Programmer's Guide to Web Scrapers

I am a proud lazy programmer. This means that if I can automate a task, I will absolutely do it. Especially if it means I can avoid doing the same thing more than once. Luckily, as an engineer, my laziness is an asset - because this week, it led me to write an HTML scraper for our Changelog, just so I wouldn’t have to manually update the Changelog feed on our new app homepage (btw, have you seen our new app homepage? It’s pretty sweet).

Segfaults in Golang with Cgo

I started the new GuardianDevOps service to share my expertise with other engineers. I was thrilled to find an internal problem to work on as the inaugural session! Only a single day after I decided to start this service, a Blue Matador customer noticed some repetitive alerts from our agent heartbeat. I was excited to join the fray with Keilan, one of our talented engineers, and fix the problem for our customers.

Comparing Kubernetes CNI Providers: Flannel, Calico, Canal, and Weave

Network architecture is one of the more complicated aspects of many Kubernetes installations. The Kubernetes networking model itself demands certain network features but allows for some flexibility regarding the implementation. As a result, various projects have been released to address specific environments and requirements.