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How to Leverage Your Kubernetes Cluster Resources to Run Blazingly Fast and Secure CI/CD Workflows in Just a Few Minutes

This blog will take you on a step-by-step journey to show you how you can leverage your Kubernetes cluster resources to run your CI/CD workflows using the Codefresh hybrid solution. What Is the Codefresh Hybrid Solution and How Does It Work? The Codefresh hybrid solution provides you with a way of running the platform’s workflows on your Kubernetes resources, keeping your private resources safe while enjoying the benefits of a SaaS solution.

Top 20 Dockerfile best practices

Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds. If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is making your management overhead macro.

Comparing Top Container Software Options for 2021

Each day, more and more companies consider opting for cloud-based solutions, and they almost always end up adopting them to some extent. While the increasing popularity of cloud services may be a significant factor in accelerating the adoption rate of cloud-based solutions, some individuals remain skeptical of migrating their applications to the cloud due to unfamiliar territory.

The Future of Qovery - Week #1

During the next ten weeks, our team will work to improve the overall experience of Qovery. We gathered all your feedback (thank you to our wonderful community 🙏), and we decided to make significant changes to make Qovery a better place to deploy and manage your apps. This series will reveal all the changes and features you will get in the next major release of Qovery. Let's go!

Debugging Development Logs with Papertrail and rKubeLog

It’s important to ensure the logging and monitoring of a service is as consistent across environments as the code itself. However, it can be expensive and cumbersome to test the logging functionality with the usual required log exporters, database infrastructure, and processing requirements of normal production-grade solutions.

Automate Your AWS Lambda Development Cycle

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. It is great if you want to create a cost-effective, on-demand service. You can use it as part of a bigger project where you have multiple services or as a standalone service to do a certain task like controlling Alexa Skill.