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How Kubernetes is transforming the industrial edge

According to leading independent researchers teknowlogy | PAC, open source platforms – and Kubernetes in particular – are central to the future of digital factories. The PAC RADAR report offers a detailed market analysis of industrial digitalisation trends, and it predicts that Kubernetes-based platforms that bring together edge and cloud technologies will soon dominate the digital factory landscape.

Deploying Applications on Kubernetes

In a previous article, we discussed why we frequently hear that developers are not that keen on Kubernetes. You can read it here. In summary, while developers certainly see the value of Kubernetes, they want to continue focusing on their application code and updates and not be impacted by the company’s Kubernetes initiative, which is quite fair.

Are Developers Not That Keen On Kubernetes?

Should application developers learn Kubernetes? Let’s ask an even deeper question; should application developers even be aware of Kubernetes in their infrastructure? I frequently hear this question being asked by DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Development teams. Of course, this is a discussion that brings very different views from different people and can result in a very long debate.

Set up Your K3s Cluster for High Availability on DigitalOcean

In this post, we will outline a reference architecture for setting up K3s in a High Availability (HA) configuration. This means that your K3s cluster can tolerate a failure and remain up and running and serving traffic to your users. Your applications should also be built and configured for high availability, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. K3s is a lightweight certified Kubernetes distribution developed at Rancher Labs that built is for IoT and edge computing.

Harbor to the Rescue-Operating a Secure Registry Without Restrictive Pull Policies

On November 1, 2020, Docker Hub will begin limiting anonymous and free account image pulls. While some may be upset about the change, it reflects a larger reality that takes into consideration the risks associated with consuming public content—most public repositories have some level of rate limiting to prevent denial-of-service attacks and customer metering—in addition to the cost of hosting public content.

Modernization Starts With Infrastructure

Today, every company is a software company and digital business is a core strategy for many organizations. To gain the much-needed agility and efficient scalability, companies in all verticals are modernizing their infrastructure by moving to hybrid, multicloud and cloud-native environments. Realizing that modern applications run on modern infrastructure, IT leaders are prioritizing infrastructure modernization initiatives.

Tutorial: Using Helm Hooks in Your Codefresh Pipeline

When getting started with Kubernetes and Helm, the process across the release life cycle can feel like a black-box; having to follow debugging processes to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Helm hooks can help with that. This post provides an overview of: If you are new to Helm, we suggest to check-out our previous tutorial first and then come back to learn more about Helm hooks. Hooks perform a single action at a specified point during the release life cycle.

Implementing GitOps on Kubernetes Using K3s, Rancher, Vault and ArgoCD

As Kubernetes continues to establish itself as the industry standard for container orchestration, finding effective ways to use a declarative model for your applications and tools is critical to success. In this blog, we’ll set up a K3s Kubernetes cluster in AWS, then implement secure GitOps using ArgoCD and Vault. Check out the source for the infrastructure and the Kubernetes umbrella application here.