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Qovery is now part of the CNCF

Qovery is excited to announce that we are now a silver member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and Linux Foundation (LF). As a CNCF silver member, we are looking forward to contributing to CNCF projects and playing an active role in developing the cloud-native ecosystem. Qovery also recently makes is deployment engine open-source, an abstraction layer library that turns easy apps deployment on AWS, GCP, Azure, and other Cloud providers. ‍

Scaling Kubernetes Deployments with InfluxDB & Flux

This article was written by InfluxDB Community member and InfluxAce David McKay. Eighteen hours ago, I was meeting with some colleagues to discuss our Kubernetes initiatives and grand plan for improving the integrations and support for InfluxDB running on Kubernetes. During this meeting, I laid out what I felt was missing for InfluxDB to really shine on Kubernetes.

Samurais Do NOT Use UIs: Using CLI To Configure Codefresh And Create And Manage Kubernetes Pipelines

Are you a ninja? It’s a silly question. I know that you are most likely not a real ninja. But you might be considering yourself a ninja of software engineering. “What does Viktor mean by that?” I’m glad you asked. Ninjas appear, perform the mission, and disappear without leaving a trace behind. “Why is Viktor talking nonsense? What does that have to do with software engineering?” Again, I’m glad you asked.

Getting Started With Helm 3 Using React and Codefresh

Helm is an application package manager for Kubernetes. Using Kubernetes can often be overwhelming to maintain resources. Since Kubernetes is configured by YAML files, the more complex your application becomes, the more difficult it will be to navigate and make changes to the respective files; think about lots and lots of repetitive YAML files. A scenario that makes every developer cringe. Helm can help you solve this.

SOC 2 compliance for containers and Kubernetes security

This article contains useful tips to implement SOC 2 compliance for containers and Kubernetes. The Service Organization Controls (SOC) reports are the primary way that service organizations provide evidence of how effective their controls are for finance (SOC 1) or securing customer data (SOC 2, SOC 3). These reports are issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Understanding and mitigating CVE-2020-8566: Ceph cluster admin credentials leaks in kube-controller-manager log

While auditing the Kubernetes source code, I recently discovered an issue (CVE-2020-8566) in Kubernetes that may cause sensitive data leakage. You would be affected by CVE-2020-8566 if you created a Kubernetes cluster using ceph cluster as storage class, with logging level set to four or above in kube-controller-manager. In that case, your ceph user credentials will be leaked in the cloud-controller-manager‘s log.

Get Around Docker Hub Download Limits: JFrog Artifactory

You may have heard the latest Docker announcement about the new rate limits for container image pulls. Starting November 1st, Docker will start to limit Docker Hub usage based on your subscription level and block pull requests that exceed imposed limits. Not only that, Docker has also put in place a new retention policy, six months for free accounts, for inactive images (originally slated for November 1, this policy has been delayed to mid-2021 due to community feedback).

Using the new GitHub Container Registry with Codefresh

The GitHub Container Registry has just been announced by GitHub and is supported natively on Codefresh like any other Docker repository. Codefresh provides multiple options to connect to Docker Container Registries, one of which is GitHub Container Registries. Currently, GitHub plans to include the GitHub Container Registry within the pricing model of GitHub packages. In comparison, Docker Hub has added rate limits to free accounts.

Containers vs. VMs: Which Should You Use?

Both containers and virtual machines are virtual environments that comprise a number of computing components and are independent in nature, thereby allowing developers to scale applications in isolated runtimes. Both of these concepts aim at providing independent sets of resources to individual computing environments to ensure quick and reliable application performance.