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Mainframe Observability with Elastic and Kyndryl

As we navigate our fast-paced digital era, organizations across various industries are in constant pursuit of strategies for efficient monitoring, performance tuning, and continuous improvement of their services. Elastic® and Kyndryl have come together to offer a solution for Mainframe Observability, engineered with an emphasis on organizations that are heavily reliant on mainframes, including the financial services industry (FSI), healthcare, retail, and manufacturing sectors.

IT Event Correlation: Software, Techniques and Benefits

IT event correlation is the process of analyzing IT infrastructure events and identifying relationships between them to detect problems and uncover their root cause. Using an event correlation tool can help organizations monitor their systems and applications more effectively while improving their uptime and performance.

4 Node.js Logging libraries which make sophisticated logging simpler

Node.js logging, like any form of software instrumentation, isn’t an easy thing to get right. It takes time, effort, and a willingness to continue to iterate until a proper balance is struck. There are so many points to consider, including: Previously, here on the Loggly blog, I began exploring these questions in the context of three of the most popular web development languages: PHP, Python, and Ruby. But these aren’t the only popular languages in use today.

Cloud Observability: Unlocking Performance, Cost, and Security in Your Environment

A robust observability strategy forms the backbone of a successful cloud environment. By understanding cloud observability and its benefits, businesses gain the ability to closely monitor and comprehend the health and performance of various systems, applications, and services in use. This becomes particularly critical in the context of cloud computing. The resources and services are hosted in the cloud and accessed through different tools and interfaces.

IDC Market Perspective published on the Elastic AI Assistant

IDC published a Market Perspective report discussing implementations to leverage Generative AI. The report calls out the Elastic AI Assistant, its value, and the functionality it provides. Of the various AI Assistants launched across the industry, many of them have not been made available to the broader practitioner ecosystem and therefore have not been tested. With Elastic AI Assistant, we’ve scaled out of that trend to provide working capabilities now.

13 Best Cloud Cost Management Tools in 2023

Businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing to drive innovation, scalability, and cost efficiencies. For many, managing cloud costs becomes a complex and daunting task, especially as organizations scale their cloud infrastructure and workloads. In turn, cloud cost management tools can help teams gain better visibility, control, and cost optimization of their cloud spending. These tools not only provide comprehensive solutions to track and analyze, they also optimize cloud expenses.

Modeling and Unifying DevOps Data

“How can we turn our DevOps data into useful DevSecOps data? There is so much of it! It can come from anywhere! It’s in all sorts of different formats!” While these statements are all true, there are some similarities in different parts of the DevOps lifecycle that can be used to make sense of and unify all of that data. How can we bring order to this data chaos? The same way scientists study complex phenomena — by making a conceptual model of the data.

Common API Vulnerabilities and How to Secure Them

Application programming interfaces (APIs) have become a critical part of almost every business. APIs are responsible for transferring information between systems within a company or to external companies. For example, when you log in to a website like Google or Facebook, an API processes your login credentials to verify they are correct.