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Top Container Monitoring Tools

Container monitoring refers to the process of monitoring and managing containers deployed within a containerization platform, such as Docker or Kubernetes. As containerization has become increasingly popular in software development and deployment, monitoring and managing containerized environments has become increasingly important.

IT Operations Analytics: An Introduction

Information Technology Operations Analytics (ITOA) is an analytics technology that uses datasets generated by IT systems to improve their efficiency and effectiveness as part of the practice known as IT operations management (ITOM). The primary goal of ITOA is to make IT operations more effective, efficient, faster and more proactive through the use of an organization’s own machine data.

Six Most Useful Types of Event Data for PLG

The success of businesses like Zoom, DropBox, and Slack demonstrates the power of product-led growth (PLG) as a strategy for scaling software companies in 2023. Central to this approach is event analytics, the practice of analyzing event data from a software product to unlock data-driven insights. Companies following a PLG strategy (“PLG companies”) use this data to inform product development decisions to enhance user experiences and drive revenue.

Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server login audit events in Graylog

One of the most important events you should be monitoring on your network is failed and successful logon events. What comes to most people’s minds when they think of authentication auditing is OS level login events, but you should be logging all authentication events regardless of application or platform. Not only should we monitor these events across our network, but we should also normalize this data so that we can correlate events between these platforms.

What's EDA? Event-Driven Architecture Today

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a modern approach to designing distributed systems with loosely coupled components. EDA has gained popularity in many industrial applications due to its flexibility, performance and scalability. This article offers a comprehensive overview of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), explaining its key components and the patterns used. I’ll also cover the use cases of EDA and the benefits and challenges of implementing it.

4 Tips to Reduce Your Observability Costs

Observability is essential for maintaining the performance and reliability of modern software systems. However, the cost associated with attaining and extending observability can quickly escalate in ways that may not even seem apparent at first. We hear from many organizations struggling to tamp down the costs of observability at a time when every dollar spent on technology is scrutinized.

Monitor Windows event logs with Datadog

Whenever an event occurs on your Windows machine, the operating system records an event log that includes details about the nature of the event (e.g., critical runtime error) or security identifiers (for audit events). Windows event logs not only record system and application activity but also user actions and background processes, making them an invaluable tool for monitoring the security and health of your systems.

Making the boat faster: Advantages of embedding services and training in software sales

In the highly competitive IT industry, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As IT companies strive to meet the evolving needs of their customers, they are discovering that providing embedded services and comprehensive training can significantly enhance their sales efforts. The importance of having services is discussed in this Harvard Business Review article.

Top 7 Open-Source Log Management Tools in 2023

The popularity of open-source log management tools has been on a steady rise in recent years. As businesses become increasingly reliant on software applications and cloud-based services, logging has become an essential part of operations. Log management is a crucial process for organizations to collect, store, and analyze log data. Businesses can troubleshoot problems, identify security threats, and optimize system performance by effectively managing log data.