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Is Kubernetes Monitoring Flawed?

Kubernetes has come a long way, but the current state of Kubernetes open source monitoring is in need of improvement. This is in part due to the issues related to an unnecessary volume of data related to that monitoring. For example, a 3-node Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus will ship around 40,000 active series by default. Do we really need all that data?

Apache Tomcat Logging Configuration: How to View and Analyze Log Files

Apache Tomcat is the Java web server that implements many Java features like web site APIs, Java server pages, Java Servlets, etc. It’s an open-source software widely used in the industry. Tomcat sits on top of your application and is the entry point for reaching your application code. It is crucial to monitor its performance and make sure everything works, get notified when unexpected errors occur, and take action in real-time.

Two sides of the same coin: Uniting testing and monitoring with Synthetic Monitoring

Historically, software development and SRE have worked in silos with different cultural perspectives and priorities. The goal of DevOps is to establish common and complementary practices across software development and operations. Sadly, in some organizations true collaboration is rare and we still have a way to go to build effective DevOps partnerships.

Optimizing VPC Flow Logs - Part 2

As cloud deployments scale, Amazon Web Services (AWS) VPC flow logs become an invaluable network visibility and security tool. They are also one of the most voluminous classes of data, making them an expensive choice to add to analytics platforms. With growing infrastructure and traffic, managing these logs presents significant challenges. ‍In part 1 of this series, we took a look at common use cases and problems associated with storing and processing VPC Flow Logs.

Test Observability with Sumo Logic

The software industry has seen many evolutions. There is a new disruption in the market every five years or so. Software testing cannot remain isolated from all the latest trends and technologies. Testing strategies need to keep up with agile development, faster deployments and increasing customer demand for reliability and user-friendly interfacing. They need to be able to grow just as quickly and just as reliably as the business logic.

Using AIOps for automation and efficiency in observability and IT operations

Artificial intelligence for IT Operations (or AIOps) has been playing an expanding role in helping SREs, DevOps, and developers effectively navigate the challenges around application and infrastructure complexity, pace of change, and data volume that characterize the operations landscape.

Fintech APM: Considerations, Benefits, and Tools

In the last few years, fintech enterprises have disrupted the financial services and banking industry by taking everything computing technology offers – from machine learning to blockchain – and turning it up a notch. Traditional financial institutions must now compete with challenger banks offering electronic payment alternatives, peer-to-peer lending, and investment apps.

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The Right Time to Right-Size Your Observability Process

Every client we meet has been using multiple tools to satisfy their observability needs. We rarely find a greenfield opportunity. As their journey progresses, they have pointed out when the time is right to add ChaosSearch into the fold. There isn't just one symptom; it's usually a combination of things, including high log data volume, unpredictable costs, and ineffective results, to name a few. By the time we talk to clients in this state, the pain and frustration are incredibly high. We created a five-minute video to demonstrate how clients find themselves in this predicament.