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Top Data Visualisation Tools (2023 Edition)

If you have been trying to compare all of the best data visualisation tools you may have found it difficult to find a detailed list that includes both open-source and proprietary solutions to help you compare and make an informed decision on what you need going forward. In this guide, you will find out everything you need to know about the leading solutions for data visualisation to help you get started with your next analysis project.

Database monitoring with Sumo Logic and OpenTelemetry-powered distributed tracing

We are living in a data world. Data describes and controls almost every aspect of our life, from the president's elections to everyday grocery shopping. Data grows exponentially and so does the complexity of applications that manage that data. We all know the recent shift to microservices and other revolutionary changes that happened in the way we design, develop, deploy and operate modern applications.

To Mask, or Not to Mask? That Is the Question

While I write this blog post, I reflect on the years of being a system administrator and the task of ensuring that no sensitive data made its way past me. What a daunting task right? The idea that sensitive data can make its way through our systems and other tools and reports is terrifying! Not to mention the potential financial/contractual problems this can cause.

Log4Shell: How We Protect Sematext Users

On December 9, 2021, a vulnerability was reported that could allow a system running Apache Log4j 2 version 2.14.1 or below to be compromised and allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the vulnerable server. This vulnerability was registered on the National Vulnerability Database as CVE-2021-44228, with a severity score of 10. Here is a diagram of the attack chain from the Swiss Government Computer Emergency Response Team (GovCERT).

How to Perform Log Analysis

Logfile analysis plays a central role in enhancing the observability of your IT estate, helping operations teams and SRE engineers to identify issues as they emerge and track down the cause of failures quickly. As the number of log entries generated on any given day in a medium-sized business easily numbers in the thousands, viewing and analyzing logs manually to realize these benefits is not a realistic option. This is where automated real-time log analysis comes in.

Simplify Your Budget Planning with Ingest-Only Pricing for LogStream Cloud

Over the last year, we’ve seen tremendous growth in both demand and usage for LogStream Cloud. It is exciting to be able to speed up time to value, reduce the total cost of ownership, and deliver LogStream to customers in a way that best fits their organizational needs. We here at Cribl have been working with our cloud customers to better understand how to optimize LogStream Cloud pricing to provide the best possible ROI.

Splunk RUM Frontend Error Monitoring is Now Generally Available!

Debugging errors is an essential component to SRE and developer workflows. “How do we prioritize and isolate JavaScript errors more effectively?” is a top challenge we hear from engineering teams looking to improve end-user experience. Therefore, we are excited to announce the general availability of Splunk RUM frontend error monitoring.

The 2022 State of Observability Report

Interest in observability is at an all-time high. When we attended KubeCon in Los Angeles in October, observability and security were everywhere—in conversations with attendees and other vendors, during sessions, and in messaging at booths—indicating that there’s still an unmet need. In fact, Gartner declared that observability is at the ‘peak of inflated expectations' in a recent Hype Cycle report.

Splunk Mobile, iPad, AR and TV in Private Networks

Having Splunk Mobile available in your pocket is great, but what if you're not able to take advantage of it because of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) requirements or security concerns? Through this blog post, you'll learn how deploying a Private Spacebridge might be the right answer!

Get Started with the Public Beta for Unified Dashboards

During Logz.io’s ScaleUp 2021 user conference, we announced that Unified Dashboards were coming to you soon. And now it’s finally here for anyone to try during the Public Beta. Unified Dashboards will allow Logz.io customers to analyze and filter their logs, metrics, and traces side-by-side on a single monitoring dashboard. Check out our recent blog to learn about why we built Unified Dashboards and the value they bring to customers.