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An Intro to PromQL: Basic Concepts & Examples

PromQL, short for Prometheus Querying Language, is the main way to query metrics within Prometheus. You can display an expression’s return either as a graph or export it using the HTTP API. PromQL uses three data types: scalars, range vectors, and instant vectors. It also uses strings, but only as literals. This intro will provide basic PromQL examples and concepts to understand as you get used to Prometheus queries.

The essential config settings you should use so you won't drop logs in Loki

In this post, we’re going to talk about tips for securing the reliability of Loki’s write path (where Loki ingests logs). More succinctly, how can Loki ensure we don’t lose logs? This is a common starting point for those who have tried out the single binary Loki deployment and decided to build a more production-ready deployment. Now, let’s look at the two tools Loki uses to prevent log loss.

Three ways tight integration makes logging and monitoring easier

Driving productivity of software development and delivery teams is critical for any organization. The six years of research by DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) showcases the role easy-to-use tooling plays in driving this productivity and in turn a better work/life balance for the team. The research finds that highest performing teams are 1.5x more likely to have tools they consider easy to use.

The Coralogix Operator: A Tale of ZIO and Kubernetes

As our customers scale and utilize Coralogix for more teams and use cases, we decided to make their lives easier and allow them to set up their Coralogix account using declarative, infrastructure-as-code techniques. In addition to setting up Log Parsing Rules and Alerts through the Coralogix user interface and REST API, Coralogix users are now able to use modern, cloud-native infrastructure provisioning platforms.

5 Common Distractions that Risk Breaking up Your Product Focus

Maintaining product focus is the best way to guarantee a successful business. As the late great Steve Jobs put it: “if you keep an eye on the profits, you’re going to skimp on the product… but if you focus on making really great products, the profits will follow.” There are a wide variety of statistics available on how much time developers actually spend writing code, anywhere from 25% to 32%.

How to Implement Effective DevOps Change Management

A decade ago, DevOps teams were slow, lumbering behemoths with little automation and lots of manual review processes. As explained in the 2020 State of DevOps Report, new software releases were rare but required all hands on deck. Now, DevOps teams embrace Agile workflows and automation. They release often, with relatively few changes. High-quality DevOps change management is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a must. For a lot of DevOps teams, this is easier said than done.

Logging and Metrics: Better Together

Logging and metrics may sound interchangeable, and you may think the information from one can be used in the same way as information from the other. But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Logging and metrics are two concepts you must use both independently and together to ensure your infrastructure and applications operate at their best.

Splunking AWS ECS Part 1: Setting Up AWS And Splunk

It’s no secret that Amazon Web Services is a powerhouse Cloud provider, and one of the market pioneers in Cloud operations. They do, after all, power some of the world’s biggest and most modern systems we all use and love today. It’s natural then that they attract a lot of users both big and small to deliver high quality and effective solutions. With growing user demand comes the need for new methods of visibility and intelligence.

15 Best Log Monitoring Tools and Event Logging Software in 2021

If your company has multiple servers or services that create log files, reviewing them to find the causes of troubles or to find security breaches, takes up too much time. Log monitoring and event logging software is a powerful tool for solving the problem of reviewing logs and helping you with log analytics, business intelligence, and log management. It allows professionals to track the activities of users, detect changes to applications, hardware, and network connectivity, and more.

Martello iQ and Azure Monitor, How Do the Two Products Compare?

Microsoft Monitoring health and usage information is a critical maintenance task for any site or application, whether it’s running in your on-premises datacenter, hybrid or public cloud environment, or hosted environment. Today’s challenge is that enterprises still require end-to-end monitoring insights of their running (and not running) application workloads, while also knowing that they are losing ground on the physical characteristics of managing their own datacenters.